Relic Traveller Series: Relic 2, 2019, Larry Achiampong

Program 2

Relic Traveller Series: Relic 2 Larry Achiampong. GB, 2019, DCP, Farbe, 11 min. Englisch
Paroles de nègres (Words of Negroes) Sylvaine Dampierre; Kamera: Renaud Personnaz; Schnitt: Sophie Reiter. FR, 2021, DCP, Farbe, 80 min. Französisch mit engl. UT
Relic Traveller Series: Relic 3 Larry Achiampong. GB, 2019, DCP, Farbe, 13 min. Englisch
We follow the steps of the Relic Traveller from Larry Achiampong's Relic Traveller Series (2017) in parts 2 and 3. The voice-over tells us that Kwame-Mensah-Many-Jobs wants, through his work, to earn back all the money that the British Empire robbed from the African continent. He is always prepared to work even harder and grind away, despite unbearable, racist working conditions. But the question arises as to whether he will ever be able to achieve his goal. The routine of the local Grand Anse sugar factory, the sound of the machines and the thick molasses, and sweat and hard work form the backdrop to Sylvaine Dampierre's film Paroles de nègres (2021). Reading aloud from an 1842 court case, workers bear witness and amplify the echo of the voices that rose up against the violent plantation owner at the center of the case during the time of enslavement. (B.K.-K.)

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