Location / Opening Hours

Information about our departments and staff can be found here.
We are happy if you use public transport or a bicycle to visit us.

Cinema and Mailing Address

Austrian Film Museum

Augustinerstraße 1
1010 Vienna, Austria

Our venue is located in Vienna's 1st district (in the Albertina building).

Reservations during opening hours:
+43 1 533 70 54 Ext 20.

Opening Hours
Box office: Our box office opens one hour before the first screening of the day and closes 15 minutes after the start of the last screening.

Getting here by public transport
Underground: U1, U2, U4 (station: Karlsplatz), U3 (station: Stephansplatz or Herrengasse)
Tram: 1, 2, D, 62, 71, Badner Bahn (station: Kärntner Ring/Oper)
City bus: 2A (station: Albertina)

Learn more about the history and technical facilities (in German only) of the "Invisible Cinema 3," and items and special offers in our shop.

Office, Library, Film-Related Collection

Austrian Film Museum

Hanuschgasse 3 (Building 2, First Floor)
1010 Vienna, Austria

Our office, parts of our film-related collection, and the most comprehensive and most detailed public film library in Austria are located within walking distance of our venue, the "Invisible Cinema 3." (Access to building 2 is also possible via Goethegasse.)

Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Library: Only by appointment (); Online Search
Collection: Advisory meetings for scientific or curatorial purposes can be arranged by appointment.
Information on research options

Getting here by public transport
Underground: U1, U2, U4 (station: Karlsplatz), U3 (station: Stephansplatz or Herrengasse)
Tram: 1, 2, D, 62, 71, Badner Bahn (station: Kärntner Ring/Oper)
City bus: 2A (station: Albertina)

Filmmuseum LAB

Austrian Film Museum
Arsenal Objekt 19A / Stairway 2
1030 Vienna, Austria

Our film collection as well as our digital restoration department are located in Vienna's 19th district. Advisory meetings for scientific or curatorial purposes can be arranged by appointment.

Getting here by public transport
Tram: O, 18 (Fasangasse), D (Quartier Belvedere)

Bus: 69A (Arsenalsteg)
S-Bahn (Quartier Belvedere)