Film Museum on Location

The Austrian Film Museum is regularly present in Austria and abroad through various collaborations with international festivals, museums, universities, and contemporary art spaces as well as with frequent film screenings "on Location". In addition, the Film Museum loans films from its collection for retrospectives and festival screenings all over the world.

Film Museum staff members are also frequently present at international conferences, festivals and venues to hold lectures, introduce projects and give updates on the state of current research projects.

For national and international exhibitions, the Film Museum will often organize special programs and loan films and artefacts from its collections. In 2010, the exhibition Shadowplay presented a selection from the massive photographic holdings of the Austrian Film Museum. It was the first public presentation of original artefacts from this collection. However, the Filmmuseum had organized exhibitions since its foundation in 1964 and used retrospectives as an opportunity to also present the graphic work of filmmakers. Further information

Stefanie Zingl und Anna Högner präsentieren das Amateurfilmprojekt Abenteuer Alltag beim Wiener Forschungsfest 2025. (Foto: Eva Czernohorskzy)
Vienna Time Machine - Stadtplan: Urania - Kamerastandorte - Amateuraufnahmen Wien, Frühjahr 1938 (Österreichisches Filmmuseum) (Ausschnitt)
Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Universität Wien: Anna Högner und Michael Loebenstein präsentieren im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe INTERAKTIONEN das Projekt Abenteuer Alltag (Foto: ÖFM © Katharina Müller)


May 20 | Wienbibliothek
Michael Loebenstein and Ingo Zechner give an insight into the project "Vienna Time Machine / Zeitmaschine modernes Wien," a digital platform with films on the history of the city.
Further information

March 22 | Vienna City Hall
Stefanie Zingl and Anna Högner present the amateur film project Abenteuer Alltag/Reel Adventures at the Vienna Research Festival 2025. 
Further information
January 16 | Institut für Zeitgeschichte, University of Vienna     
Anna Högner, Michael Loebenstein, and Stefanie Zingl present a contribution as part of the INTERAKTIONEN event series entitled "Der Amateurfilm als historische Quelle. About the project 'Abenteuer Alltag.'"

Workshop von Anna Dohnalek zum Thema „KI & Film: Zwischen Kontroverse und Kreativität“ im Rahmen des St. Veit Symposiums zu Künstlicher Intelligenz, Oktober 2024
Workshop von Anna Dohnalek zum Thema „KI & Film: Zwischen Kontroverse und Kreativität“ im Rahmen des St. Veit Symposiums zu Künstlicher Intelligenz, Oktober 2024
Stefan Huber bei der Buchpräsentation Encounter RWF. Fassbinder Archiv Vermitteln im Rahmen des Lichter Filmfestivals, Frankfurt/Main, 2024 © © Philipp Goldberg
Gespräch mit Josef Hader bei der Filmretrospektive der KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen, kuratiert und moderiert von Elisabeth Streit und Tom Waibel © Stephan Matyus
Stefanie Zingl und Siegfried A. Fruhauf in der Galerie Hinterland bei Vogelgesprächen © Jakob Lindner
Stefanie Zingl und Siegfried A. Fruhauf in der Galerie Hinterland bei Vogelgesprächen © Jakob Lindner
Christoph Huber, Claudia Slanar, Michael Loebenstein, Dominik Kamalzadeh bei dem Spezialscreening zu Michael Glawoggers Gedenken
Tom Waibel in der Jury des Subversive Film Festival Zagreb 2024 (Foto: Subversive Film Festival Zagreb © Zoe Šarlija)


December 5 | Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, University of Vienna
Elisabeth Streit: Presentation of the Film Museum and the research possibilities in the library as part of the course "Literary Research I"

December 2 | filmkoop wien, Komödiengasse
Lecture by Lena Stötzel and Johannes Minas on decisions, questions and problems around the topic of film digitization at filmkoop wien.

November 15 | Friedensbüro Salzburg             
Keynote speech by Stefan Huber on the topic of "Moving images and peace work" as part of the "Peace Media Day 2024." Followed by discussion in small groups.
Further information
November 11 | Institut für Bildungswissenschaft, University of Vienna
Anna Högner and Stefanie Zingl take part in the round table discussion on biographical sources in collections. The event is part of the 25th workshop of the Biographical Research Network on the politics of collecting. 
Further information

November 19 to 21 | Youki Wels
Film analysis workshop for school classes with Anna Dohnalek as part of the YOUKI International Youth Media Festival in Wels.
October 24 | St. Veit, Fuchspalast
Workshop by Anna Dohnalek on "AI & Film: Between Controversy and Creativity" as part of the St. Veit Symposium on Artificial Intelligence.
Further information

October 16 | Slovenska kinoteka, Ljubljana
Lecture, film program, and discussion by Stefanie Zingl and Hanna Schimek with the title "'Whenever I Look at the Sky.' Films by Lizzy Kessler, Poldi Kuplent, Renate Schweiger and Hanna Schimek” as part of the Autumn Film School on "Women Make Film."
October 6 | Belvedere 21, Blickle Kino, Vienna
After a screening of Dziga Vertov's The Man with the Camera (1929)– accompanied by Elaine Loebenstein on the piano – Michael Loebenstein and curator Ana Petrovic will talk about the relationship between film and photomontage.
Further information

September 13 | Moviemento Linz
Introduction by Christoph Huber to Ostatni etap (1948, Wanda Jakubowska) as part of this year's Dialogue Forum of the Mauthausen Memorial on the topic "Women in the Holocaust." 
Further information
September 10 and 11 | Dürnstein
Presentation by Anna Högner and Michael Loebenstein: "Österreichisches Filmmuseum: domain-specific research questions & challenges" at the dissertation colloquium "Visual Heritage" organized by the TU Vienna and the FH St. Pölten
Further information

August 21 to 24 | KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen / Mauthausen Memorial
Die Filmretrospektive der KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen 2024 mit dem Titel "Flucht ins Ungewisse: Rette sich wer kann" wird kuratiert und moderiert von Elisabeth Streit und Tom Waibel (ÖFM) in Zusammenarbeit mit Stephan Matyus (KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen). 
Weitere Informationen

May 31 and June 1 | Altes Rathaus, Wiener Neudorf
As part of the Viertelfestival and the Nautica project, organized by the eumig Museum, Janneke van Dalen and Lena Stötzel will talk about the restoration project Wonders of the Sea, Stefanie Zingl will present a film program with underwater footage from the amateur film collection. 
Further information

May 24 | National University of Theatre and Film I. L. Caragiale, Bucharest, Romania (online)
Stefanie Zingl speaks in the seminar "Introduction to Amateur Cinema" by Liri Chapelan about the amateur film collection at the Austrian Film Museum.

May 24 | Eumig Museum, Wiener Neudorf
The "Museumspraxis Spezial" seminar series is dedicated to a wide variety of materials in eight-hour practical seminars. Practical course by Kevin Lutz: "Medienbestände: Sichern von alten Film- und Tonträgern". 
May 20 to June 8 | Zagreb
The 17th Subversive Festival in Zagreb was held under the motto "Living Beyond Capitalism" and Tom Waibel was on the jury for the "Wild Dreamer Awards" for the most subversive feature and documentary film.
Further information
May 15 to 17 | Universität für Weiterbildung Krems
To mark the 100th anniversary of Franz Kafka's death, the Archiv der Zeitgenossen and the Universität für Weiterbildung Krems dedicated an academic conference ("The Kafkaesque in the arts") with an extensive supporting program to the writer. As part of the conference, Elisabeth Streit and Tom Waibel presented their reflections on Kafka and early cinema as a performative lecture and presented the film adaptation of The Trial by Orson Welles (1962) in the accompanying program.
Further information (PDF)
April 20 | Bolzano, Capitol 2
Introduction by Alessandra Thiele at the screening of Maria Lassnig's canonical films at the Bolzano Film Festival Bolzano 
April 20 | Bolzano, Bar Luna (Parkhotel Mondschein)
Panel participation of Alessandra Thiele (together with Eva Sangiorgi and Viola Shafik) on the topic Women - Films - Festivals? at the Bolzano Film Festival Bolzano.
Further information

April 19 | Lichter Filmfestival, Frankfurt/Main
Stefan Huber is part of the panel at the book launch of Encounter RWF. Fassbinder Archiv Vermitteln in the framework of the Lichter Filmfestival, Frankfurt/Main.
April 17 | Ernst Barlach Schools of the Pfennigparade Foundation, Munich
"Pfennigflimmern": Public film screening in the foyer of the Ernst Barlach Schools, Munich. Stefan Huber curates the program, conducts Q&As with the students whose films are shown and leads an analysis discussion with the audience after the feature film (The Apartment).
April 14 | Stadtkino Wien
Film screening Sleeping with a Tiger (2024, Anja Salomonowitz) followed by a discussion with Michael Loebenstein, Hans Werner Poschauko & Rhea Tebbich and Anja Salomonowitz as part of the exhibition "Maria Lassnig. Self as camera!" at the Künstlerhaus
Further information
April 6 | Schubertkino 1, Graz
"Nachspann EXTRA: The Lost Soap of Michael G.": A special screening of Michael Glawogger's "lost" pilot episode of the TV series LKH. A festive evening of remembrance to mark the 10th anniversary of the director's death, followed by a discussion with former companions (Michael Ostrowski, Pia Hierzegger and director Helmut Köpping). Moderation: Christoph Huber (AFM)
April 5 to 7 | Schubertkino + Rechbauer Kino, Graz
Elisabeth Streit moderates the talks with Lisl Ponger at the Diagonale (retrospective and carte blanche)
March 30 | Center for Contemporary Art Beijing (UCCA) in cooperation with the Austrian Cultural Forum Beijing and the Beijing Film Academy 
Film screening with Maria Lassnig's short films and subsequent discussion; online greeting from Michael Loebenstein at the opening 
January 25 | Galerie Hinterland, Wien
As part of the event series "Vogelgespräche", Stefanie Zingl and Sigi Fruhauf talk about the flight of birds in amateur film.
Further information
January 25 | Museum für Fotografie, Berlin
Expert discussion with Anna Högner (AFM) and Fabian Schmidt (Film University Potsdam): "CLOSE UP! Images of atrocities - ethical considerations on working with photos and film in the context of the Holocaust" as part of the exhibition "Flashes of Memory. Photography in the Holocaust"
Karin Roth, Thomas Roth, Tom Waibel und Elisabeth Streit bei der Open-Air-Filmretrospektive der KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen, 2023
Anna Dohnalek und Edith Huemer beim Symposium der Kieler Gesellschaft für Filmmusikforschung, 2023 © Didi Merlin
Stefan Huber bei der Suburbinale, Groß-Enzersdorf, 2023
Katharina Müller und Thomas Ballhausen bei der Leipziger Buchmesse Gastland Österreich
Michael Loebenstein beim FIAF Kongress 2023 © Mikko Kuutti
Michael Loebenstein beim FIAF Kongress 2023 © Mikko Kuutti
Vortrag Katharina Müller "Vienna Queerstories x Filmmuseum: Narrating & tracing queer visual histories", März 2023 © Marie Baumschlager
Stefan Huber, Hauptbücherei am Gürtel im Februar 2023
Stefanie Zingl bei der Pressekonferenz im Prager Zoo, Februar 2023 © Prager Zoo/Petr Hamerník
Stefanie Zingl bei der Pressekonferenz im Prager Zoo, Februar 2023 © Prager Zoo/Petr Hamerník
Anna Högner bei der Tagung "Digital ist besser?" in Weimar
Anna Högner: Filmkuratierung umdenken - Digitale Zugänge zu Europas dunklem Erbe, Tagung: Digitalk ist besser? Sammlungsforschung im digitalen Zeitalter in Weimar
Anna Högner bei der Präsentation "Holocaust Remembrance Day – Digitales Kuratieren" (Foto: ÖFM © Eszter Kondor)
Michael Loebenstein bei der Präsentation "Holocaust Remembrance Day – Digitales Kuratieren" (Foto: ÖFM © Eszter Kondor)
Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann, Robert Sablatnig, Michael Loebenstein und Sema Colpan bei der Präsentation "Holocaust Remembrance Day – Digitales Kuratieren" (Foto: ÖFM © Eszter Kondor)
Michael Loebenstein und Peter Pakesch bei der Tagung "Lifting Stones. Zum filmischen Werk Maria Lassnigs", Jänner 2023 in Leipzig (Foto: ÖFM © Eszter Kondor)
Paolo Caneppele bei der Tagung "Lifting Stones. Zum filmischen Werk Maria Lassnigs", Jänner 2023 in Leipzig (Foto: ÖFM © Eszter Kondor)
Michael Loebenstein bei der Tagung "Lifting Stones. Zum filmischen Werk Maria Lassnigs", Jänner 2023 in Leipzig (Foto: ÖFM © Eszter Kondor)


December 12 | Metro Kinokulturhaus, Wien
Presentation by Lena Stötzel and Janneke van Dalen: "Plotting and Puzzling: the Restoration of Wonders of the Sea" at the conference "Color in Film"

December 11 | DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum e.V., Frankfurt
Under the headline "Vernetzte Bilder. Digitale Zugänge zum audiovisuellen Erbe des Holocaust," projects from academic research and technical innovations from the field of Holocaust education will be presented.
Presentation by Anna Högner: "VHH-MMSI: Relaunch of the CdH on the Visual History of the Holocaust platform" and together with Fabian Schmidt: "Images of atrocities: Ethical considerations for working with images of the Holocaust"
Further information

December 11 | Metro Kinokulturhaus, Wien
Presentation by Stefanie Zingl and Martin Reinhart: "Polavision - an experiment in instant color film" at the conference "Colour in Film"

November 22 | FIAF (online)
On November 22, at 4 p.m. (CET) the book Share That Knowledge! A Road Map for Sharing Knowledge across Generations of Audiovisual Archivists will be released and presented online.
Further informationen and recording of the presentation
November 21 | Admiralkino, Vienna
After the screening of Brainwashed  Sex Camera Power by Nina Menkes, Michael Loebenstein will discuss the question of what Brainwashed does to the film canon and how film curators and archivists today deal with the "male gaze" and its contextualization in film history.

October 10 and 12 | YOUKI International Youth Media Festival, Wels
Film analysis workshop for school classes with Anna Dohnalek as part of the YOUKI International Youth Media Festival in Wels.
Further information

September 28 | AK Vienna
In the context of the 14th conference of the IGPB - Interessensgemeinschaft Politische Bildung Stefan Huber will give the keynote speech "Talking about war through film. The (questionable) reality of images" and will be available for discussion afterwards.

September 26 | Museum Berlin-Karlshorst
Lecture by Michael Loebenstein: "Filmdokumente der alliierten Streitkräfte aus den befreiten Konzentrationslagern und von anderen Verbrechensorten" in the context of the exhibition "What do photographs tell? Albert Dieckmann's Pictures from Occupied Eastern Europe 1941/42."
Further information

September 16 | Budapest Classics Film Marathon
Stefan Huber presents the Cinemini project in a workshop for interested parents.
Cinemini | Further information

August 16 to 19 | Mauthausen Memorial 
The open-air film retrospective of the Mauthausen Memorial, "Schatten der Vergangenheit – Kein Platz für dunkle Geheimnisse," was curated and moderated by Elisabeth Streit and Tom Waibel. 

June 28 | Programmkino, Wels
Stefan Huber was invited to program a film (he chose Aftersun, 2022, Charlotte Wells) and was present for an extended film-analytic talk after the screening.
June 23 | Wiener Hofburg (Schreyvogelsaal)
Anna Dohnalek, Edith Huemer: Workshop "Didaktische
Überlegungen zu 'Losing My Religion': zwei Karaokeszenen als Angel- und Wendepunkte in Sonne und Aftersun" in the context of the symposium of the Kieler Gesellschaft für Filmmusikforschung "Filmmusik und Filmsound im Kontext ihrer Vermittlung".
Further information

June 16 | ifk, Vienna
"Before the party: LGBTIQ* home movies": Contribution by Katharina Müller in the context of "Where are we now? Working in Cultural Studies 1993-2043", conference on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the ifk International Research Centre for Cultural Studies.
Further information

June 11 | Kino Arsenal, Berlin
Round table discussion "International Film Heritage Practices" with Jurij Meden at the Archival Assembly #2.
Further information

June 7 | silent green Kulturquartier, Berlin
The Arsenal - Institute for Film and Video Art turns 60. On the occasion of the anniversary celebration there will be a series of programs, including panel discussions with many guests (including Jurij Meden).
Further information
June 4 | Eye Filmmuseum, University of Amsterdam
"Why easy when you can make it hard? Of difficult histories, digital (in)humanities, and the potential for change": Lecture by Michael Loebenstein und Anna Högner at the Eye International Conference 2023.
Further informationen

June 2 | Goethe University Frankfurt
"Film Fermentation - A Film as an Object in Spacetime": Jurij Meden is  keynote speaker at the conference "Sticky Films. Conceptual and Material Explorations", organized by the DFG-Research Training Program "Configurations of Film."
Further information

June 2| IFK Wien and online
"Haptic Images - Bodies as Multitudes": Katharina Müller in conversation with Karin Harrasser on cinematic notions of space and body at the symposium "Gender Topologies. Aesthetics and Politics of Non-Orientation".
Further information

May 12 | Quartier für digital Kultur (QDK), Quartier 21/Museumsquartier
Lecture by Paolo Caneppele: "Krieg, Reich der Finsternis. Die Figur der Blinden im Filmfragment Konrad Hartls Lebensschicksal" (1918) at the "4th Meeting: Media and the Senses".
Further information (PDF)
May 9 | House of Film / Palazzo del Cinema, Gorizia
Lecture by Paolo Caneppele: "Film History and Film Archives" at the  symposium "East/West. Border through film and history".
Further information
May 5 | Suburbinale, Groß-Enzersdorf
Stefan Huber presented and moderated an educational event for elementary school classes from Groß-Enzersdorf, showing amateur films from the area.
May 3 | House of Austrian History, Vienna
Visual History of the Holocaust project presentation with Michael Loebenstein and Ingo Zechner as part of the event "Film als Zeuge? Holocaust Education mit digitalen Mitteln", organized by hdgö. The exhibition End of Testimony? is on view until September 3, 2023.
Further information
April 22 | Schaubühne Lindenfels, Leipzig
Katharina Müller: Book presentation of Picturing Austrian Cinema at the Leipzig Book Fair (Guest Country Austria)
Further information

April 21 | Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Alessandra Thiele on the panel "The audience strategy of small and medium film festivals" in the framework of Bolzano Film Festival Bozen.
Further information
April 16 to 21 | Casa del Lago, Mexico City
Michael Loebenstein, Secretary General of FIAF from 2013 to 2023, presented at this year's Congress of the Fédération Internationale des Archives du Film, organized by Filmoteca UNAM in Mexico, the "Second Century Forum", which deals with future issues of the profession and this year was dedicated to the topics "ethics" and "ecological sustainability."
FIAF Congress
March 31 | Centre Pompidou, Paris
Talk with Lena Stötzel and Gérald Duchaussoy about the restoration of Wienfilm 1896-1976 (1976/77, Ernst Schmidt jr.) at the "European classic documentary film rendez-vous" (Cinéma du réel) and screening of an excerpt of the restoration.
Further information

March 28 | Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
Lecture Katharina Müller: "Vienna Queerstories x Filmmuseum: Narrating & tracing queer visual histories
March 22 to 24 | Diagonale, Graz
Moderation Stefan Huber at "kino:class" and "kino:class:day", the film education for young people at the Diagonale.
Further information

February 24 | Hauptbücherei am Gürtel (Vienna)
Training by Stefan Huber for employees of the libraries in Vienna on the topic "We mediate films."

February 23 | Prague Zoo
Stefanie Zingl: Press event presenting films and film stills of the unknown film amateurs who filmed the Prague Zoo in the 1930s.
Further information

February 17 | Klassik Stiftung Weimar
Lecture by Anna Högner: "Rethinking Film Curation - Digital Access to Europe's Dark Heritage" at the conference "Digitalk is Better? Collection Research in the Digital Age".
Further information

February 11 | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Lecture by and talk with Katharina Müller: "Kuratorischer Aktivismus in und mit dem Österreichischen Filmmuseum"
Further information
January 27 | TUtheSky, Vienna
On Holocaust Remembrance Day 2023, the EU Horizon 2020 project "Visual History of the Holocaust: Rethinking Curation in the Digital Age (VHH)" presented a preview of the results of its four-year work. Among others, Michael Loebenstein and Anna Högner from the Film Museum were among the speakers.
Further information

January 25 | Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) (online)
Lecture by Tom Waibel: "Vermischung/ Mestizisierung. Zur biopolitischen Konstruktion (post)kolonialer Identitäten" at the online event "Szenen der Kritik – zwischen postkolonialer, medienästhetischer und politischer Philosophie"
Further information (PDF) | zoom link

January 18 to 20 | Schaubühne Lindenfels, Leipzig
Introductions by Paolo Caneppele and talks with Michael Loebenstein at the conference "Lifting Stones. On the cinematic work of Maria Lassnig" in the context of "meaoiswiamia – Guest Country Austria Leipzig Book Fair".
Further information

Paolo Caneppele beim Pordenone Silent Film Festival 2022
"Musikverein Perspektiven" © Dieter Nagl für den Musikverein
Online Vortrag "Share that Knowledge! – project update" beim ACE Workshop (Foto: Michal Bregant)
Paneldiskussion "Festivals, Archive und das Ende des analogen Films" im Rahmen von Vienna Shorts © Vienna Shorts / Peter Griesser
Jurij Meden bei der Paneldiskussion "Festivals, Archive und das Ende des analogen Films" im Rahmen von Vienna Shorts © Vienna Shorts / Peter Griesser
Stefan Huber bei der Paneldiskussion "Film education in pre-schools, schools and museums" in Porto © Ricardo Raminhos
FIAF Kongress 2022 in Budapest © Kuutti Mikko
FIAF Kongress 2022 in Budapest © Kuutti Mikko
FIAF Kongress 2022 in Budapest © Kuutti Mikko
Vortrag Katharina Müller & Anna Högner "Vienna Queerstories: Narrating and Tracing Queer Visual Histories" © Caroline Heider
Jurij Meden bei der Buchpräsentation von "Kaj je kinoteka" © Slovenska Kinoteka


December 3 | PAF Olomouc
Jurij Meden at the round table "Professionals #6: Cinema Excursion. A Roundtable With a Few Observations on Preserving and Exhibiting Cinema in the Third Millenium" beim 21st Festival of Film Animation and Contemporary Art
Further information

November 24 to 27 | CERCEC, Auditorium Coubertin, Paris
Michael Loebenstein and Anna Högner at the VHH conference "Documenting Nazi Crimes through Film: Soviet Union, 1942–1945", organized by the Centre for Russian, Caucasian Studies and Central European Studies (CERCEC/CNRS) in cooperation with the Mémorial de la Shoah.
Further information | Program (PDF)

November 19 | University of Lausanne and University of Zurich
Stefanie Zingl is guest at the workshop of the inter-university PhD program "Visual Disposives: Film, Photography, and Other Media". Based on her work on Josef Mroz, the workshop will focus on the history of technology of amateur film, the interactions between film technology and film practice, and the relationship between film technology and politics.
November 17 and 18| Lichtspiel Kinemathek, Bern
Lecture by Stefanie Zingl at the conference "9.5mm: And Cinema Is Everywhere" and participation in the panel discussion "Pathé Baby Everywhere".
Further information | Program (PDF)

November 15 | Institute for Theater, Film and Media Studies, University of Vienna
Book presentation Gewohnte Gewalt. Häusliche Brutalität und heimliche Bedrohung im Spannungskino (ed. Drehli Robnik/Joachim Schätz, 2022) with a contribution by Elisabeth Streit.

October 19 | LWL Museum for Art and Culture, Münster
Introduction by Andrea Pollach at the opening of the series "Made in Austria. New Austrian Film," which will be shown in Münster on five evenings between October 19 and November 23.
October 4 | Teatro Verdi, Pordenone
Paolo Caneppele: Book presentation Sguardi privati. Teorie e prassi del cinema amatoriale at the filmfair of Le Giornate del Cinema Muto /  Pordenone Silent Film Festival

September 15 and 16 | Toldi Cinema, Budapest
Introductions by Elisabeth Streit at the Peter Lorre Special of the Budapest Classic Film Marathon.
Further information

September 12 | Jerusalem Cinematheque
Michael Loebenstein and Anna Högner at the VHH-conference "Migrating Images and Image Migration: How Popular Culture Shapes the Visual History of the Holocaust", organized by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Further information | Program (PDF)

August 17 to 20 | Mauthausen Memorial
The films of the Open Air Film Retrospective on "Jewish Resistance" will be introduced by Elisabeth Streit and Tom Waibel.
Further information

June 28 | Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna + online
Presentation by Janneke van Dalen and Nadja Šičarov: "Share that Knowledge! - Project Update" at the ACE Workshop "The Preservation of Knowledge".
Further Informationen

June 16 to 18 | University of Southampton (online).
Stefanie Zingl: Lecture "A World in Red and Green. The Early Color Process of Mroz Color Film" at the University of Southampton conference "The 'Little Apparatus': 100 Years of 9.5 mm Film".

June 8 | Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen
Katharina Müller: Guest lecture "Geheime Öffentlichkeiten und Medienräume - Zum Kuratieren audiovisueller Spuren" in the framework of the symposium "Kategorisierungen von Geschlecht und kulturelles Gedächtnis von LSBTIQ in Theorie, musealer Praxis und Kunst"

May 26 | METRO Kinokulturhaus
Jurij Meden at the panel discussion "Festivals, Archives and the End of Analog Film" at Vienna Shorts.
Further information

May 24 | Museu de Serralves, Porto
Stefan Huber at the panel discussion "Film education in pre-schools, schools and museums" at an international "Cinemini Hands-On" workshop.
May 12 | Quartier for Digital Culture (QDK), Quartier 21 / Museumsquartier
Paolo Caneppele: Opening lecture "Krieg, Reich der Finsternis. Die Figur der Blinden im Filmfragment Konrad Hartls Lebensschicksal (1918)" at the 4th Meeting: Media and the Senses.
May 10 | MDW, Arthouse Cinema
Talk with Elisabeth Streit after screening of Karin Brandauer's film Sidonie (1990).
Further information

May 8 to 10 | DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut &  Filmmuseum
Michael Loebenstein at the conference "Moving Images from the Archives. Historical Footage of Nazi Crimes in Documentaries," jointly organized by DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum and Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen in the course of the "Visual History of the Holocaust" project.
Further information

May 8 | Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen
Kevin Lutz at the panel discussion "Expanding the Collection" on access to analog film for organizers.
Further information

May 3 | Technisches Museum Wien
Michael Loebenstein: Panel Discussion on "Collecting" at the "Mediathek 60+1" Conference

April 26 | Wienbibliothek im Rathaus
Introduction by Günter Krenn before the screening of the television play Die Bekehrung des Ferdyš Pištora (ORF, 1964).
Further information

April 26 | Uránia National Film Theatre, Budapest
Michael Loebenstein and Anna Högner at the symposium "The Visible Archive" in the framework of FIAF Congress 2022 / Presentation Anna Högner: "Combining Sources on Nazi Atrocities: A Metadata schema to describe, relate and annotate film and non-film material"
Further information

April 2 | Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Filmakademie Wien, Institut für Film und Fernsehen
Katharina Müller: Guest lecture "(Die) Visuelle Geschichte von LGBTIQ* in und mit Verbindungslinien nach Österreich" at the 35th "FFK - Film- und Fernsehwissenschaftiche Kolloquium"

March 24 | Musikverein, Vienna
Michael Loebenstein in conversation with Michael Haneke and Dr. Stephan Pauly (Intendant of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna). The "Musikverein Perspektiven" will highlight the musicality of Haneke's films and his passion for music.
Musikverein | Michael Haneke Retrospective

March 15 | Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Institut für Angewandte Fotografie und zeitbasierte Medien
Katharina Müller & Anna Högner: Guest lecture "Vienna Queerstories: Narrating and Tracing Queer Visual Histories"

March 4 | Programmkino Wels
Elfriede Irrall's Super 8 film ums freiwerden hätte es ja gehen sollen (1977–1984) will be shown in the program series Female Tracks. Afterwards, Stefanie Zingl will provide insight into the research activities surrounding the film.
Further information

February 25 | University of Udine (online)
Paolo Caneppele: "Drei Vorschläge für eine Theorie des Familienfilms". Keynote-Speech at the international online symposium "Fate of a Format. Small-Gauge Cinema in Post-war Italy. Format, Geopolitics, Institutions".
Further information (PDF)

February 17 | Slovenska kinoteka, Ljubljana
Book presentation of Jurij Meden's book Kaj je kinoteka (What is a Cinema?) at Slovenska kinoteka. The book is the Slovenian translation of Scratches and Glitches, published in English in April 2021.

January 30 | Arsenal, Berlin
Film program "The gatekeepers exist to be overthrown."
 Amos Vogel – Reprisen und Repliken: Emigration in the presence of Christoph Huber

January 26 | Institute for Theater, Film and Media Studies, University of Vienna (online)
Lecture in the seminar "The Reel Thing": Paolo Caneppele gives insight into the film-related collection of the Austrian Film Museum and Stefanie Zingl talks about the contextualization of amateur and family films.

January 26 | SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA, Berlin
Conversation with Boris Lehman and Christoph Huber after the screening of "The gatekeepers exist to be overthrown."
 Amos Vogel – Reprisen und Repliken: Emigration.
Further information

January 13 to 16 | Festsaal im Studierendenhaus Frankfurt and DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Retrospective Austrian Mavericks - Another Austrian Film History, organized by Filmkollektiv Frankfurt, curated and presented by Christoph Huber.
Further information
Michael Loebenstein: Online-Einführung zu "The Wedding March beim Archivfilmfestival Moskau, Kinoteatr "Illusion" (Veranstalter: Gosfilmofond of Russia, Österrechisches Kulturforum Moskau)
Katharina Müller beim Tag der Akademie © Severin Dostal
Stefan Huber bei der kino:CLASS’21 der Diagonale (Foto: Diagonale/Lilly Mörz)
Michael Loebenstein: Keynote Lecture, World Day of Audio-Visual Heritage, National Film Archive of Japan (online)
Einführung von Jurij Meden zur Ausstellung "Shadow Citizens" © Kunsthalle Wien
2021 FIAF Award


November 18 (postponed) | Technisches Museum Wien
Michael Loebenstein: Panel Discussion on "Collecting" at the "Mediathek 60+1" Conference 

November 18 | Kinoteatr "Illusion", Moscow
Michael Loebenstein: Introduction (online) to The Wedding March (1928, Erich von Stroheim) at the Archive Film Festival Moscow (Organizer: Gosfilmofond of Russia, Austrian Cultural Forum Moscow)
Further information

November 18 | Cinémathèque de Toulouse
Michael Loebenstein: Video introduction to the program "Shred, scratch, synch – Recycled Cinema, carte blanche à l'Austrian Film Museum"
Further information

October 30 | Natural History Museum Vienna
Michael Loebenstein and Ursula Göhlich (NhM) talk about "Representation of dinosaurs in films" in the framework of the special exhibtion "CineSaurs. Fiction & Science"
Further information

October 21 | Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien
Michael Loebenstein: Lecture "A destruction accompanied with false description of the object destroyed"

October 19 | online
Anna Högner, Michael Loebenstein: Lecture "Curating (Big) Data. A Film Museum Perspective" at the online conference "Going Digital with Difficult Histories" organized by Science politique de l'Université de Montréal, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Konread Wolf Filmuniversität Potsdam

October 16 | National Film Archive of Japan (online)
Michael Loebenstein: Keynote Lecture, World Day of Audio-Visual Heritage
Watch lecture online

October 14 to 16 | One World Film Festival, Bucharest
Janneke van Dalen and Kevin Lutz at the One World Archive Workshop in Bucharest in cooperation with the Film University Bucharest, the Arhiva Nationala de Filme Bucharest and the One World Film Festival

October 12 | METRO Kinokulturhaus, Vienna
Katharina Müller: Impulse statement "Austrian Film?" and moderation panel "What is Austrian Film?" in the context of the event "Zeiten im Umbruch. Austrian Filmmaking in Diversity Check" organized by the Academy of Austrian Film

October 12 | Webinar online
Lecture Michael Loebenstein: "Visual Histories of 20th Century Occupation". Organizer: Horizon Results Booster Program of the European Research Coucil

October 12 | FDR Library and Museum (online)
Lecture Michael Loebenstein: "Objectives of the VHH Project" at the conference "Examining American Responses to the Holocaust: Digital Possibilities"

October 4 | Le Giornate del Cinema Muto, Pordenone (online)
Filmfair Book Presentation: Jurij Meden will talk about his book Scatches and Glitches (FilmmuseumSynemaPublikationen 2021) at the Pordenone Silent Film Festival.
Le Giornate del Cinema Muto | Shop

September 24 | University of Graz (online)
Presentation by Michael Loebenstein and Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann (HUJI) "Mapping Visual History of the Holocaust in the Digital Age" at the online-conference Digital Memory – Digital History – Digital Mapping. Transformationen von Erinnerungskulturen und Holocaust-Education
Further information

September 22 | University of Vienna (online)
Katharina Müller: "Queere ephemere Medienräume als Ressource. Oder: How to preserve and curate sex, desire & intimate connectivity?" Lecture in the context of the annual conference of the Austrian Society for Gender Studies (ÖGGF)
Further information

September 16 | Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
Paolo Caneppele at the workshop "Theater, Zirkus, temporäre Jahrmärkte – Perspektiven auf ambulante Unterhaltungsformen in ländlichen Räumen um 1900", organizid by the Kunstuniversität Linz and the Institut für Kulturwissenschaften und Theatergeschichte (IKT) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW).
Further information (PDF)

September 2 | Kino Arsenal, Berlin
Michael Loebenstein at the discussion "What Do We Train for? Future Roles in Film Archiving and Curating" as part of the symposium After the Archive at the Archival Assembly #1 festival.
Further information

August 22 | International Silent Film Festival, Bonn (online)
Janneke van Dalen at the online panel "Finding an Audience for (Silent) Film Heritage Today".
Further information

August 19 | FeKK Ljubljana short film festival
Jurij Meden on "The Role and Responsibility of Film Curatorship in the Anthropocene" (presentation & discussion) at FeKK 2021.
Further information

June 22 | Kino Tuškanac, Zagreb, Croatia
Ivana Miloš will present and introduce a curated film program with film works by Scottish filmmaker and poet Margaret Tait. The screening is part of Kratki utorak, a regular film series dedicated to experimental cinema.

June 8 to 10 | Diagonale, Graz
Stefan Huber moderates the school events of the Diagonale.
Diagonale kino:CLASS

June 2 | Crossing Europe Festival, Linz (and online)
Lecture by Katharina Müller: "Ephemere Spuren im Archiv und The Steps With No Name"
Watch online

March 4 to May 16, 2021 | Franz Josefs Kai 3, Vienna
The exhibition "Barbara Hammer: Women I Love" also featured a video interview with Barbara Hammer, which the artist Christiana Perschon (camera, sound, editing) realized together with Katharina Müller (interview) in New York in March 2018 on the occasion of our In Person series.
Further information | Excerpts from the Video

October 24, 2020 to April 18, 2021 | Kunsthalle Wien
The exhibition "Želimir Žilnik. Shadow Citizens" also presented the film essay Želimir Žilnik: The Films in My Life by Jurij Meden. The film reflects on the ways in which Žilnik's works intersect with wider film history.
Kunsthalle Wien | Introduction by Jurij Meden

March 26 | Fondazione Antonio Dalle Nogare (online)
Lecture Christoph Huber: "Postwar Avantgarde Cinema and the Continuation of Absolute Film" accompanying the exhibition Robert Breer TIME OUT at Fondazione Antonio Dalle Nogare.
Further information

March 20 | Slovenska kinoteka (online)
Nadja Šičarov will be guest at the online panel "Filmski arhivi – primeri praks restavriranja filmske dediščine" about film restoration practices, organized by the Slovenska kinoteka as a part of the "International Frankophonie Day."
Further information

March 19 | FIAF Award (online)
On March 19, the 2021 FIAF Award was presented to Amitabh Bachchan in recognition of his achievements and preservation of India's film heritage.
Acknowledgements came from Christopher Nolan and Martin Scorsese. The ceremony was hosted by Michael Loebenstein.
Recording of the award ceremony

March 2 | FIAF (online)
Lecture Michael Loebenstein: "Recycling Cinema" at the 6th FIAF Online Programming Winter School (in partnership with: La Cinémathèque française and Fondation Jérôme Seydoux-Pathé)
Further information

February 1 | FU Berlin (online)
Michael Loebenstein spoke in Nikolaus Perneczky's project seminar ("World Cinema Heritage: Global Film History, Archival Work, and Curatorial Practice") about "Cinema and Restitution," as well as about questions regarding world cinema and the canon, and digitization.

January 18 | Institute for Theater, Film and Media Studies, University of Vienna (online)
Lecture by Stefanie Zingl on the archiving of amateur and family films at the Austrian Film Museum

January 15 | Institute for Romance Studies, University of Vienna (online)
Katharina Müller: Lecture "Cinécriture-femme: Kleine Geschichte frankophoner Filmemacherinnen"

January 8 | Institute for Germanistik, University of Salzburg (online)
Stefan Huber leads a module of the seminar "Praktische Filmarbeit im Deutschunterricht"
Further information


Online Panel bei SCREENFEST Queer Film Festivals im Kontext


November 26 | SCREENFEST Queer Film Festivals in context – Online/Offline Panels, Symposium, Film Festival
Katharina Müller will be talking with Claudia Slanar, Florian Widegger, Dietmar Schwärzler, Carola Gramann, and Margit Hauser about festivals as a source of inspiration for archives and collections. An event of Theater, Film and Media Studies, University of Vienna, in cooperation with Queertactics. Queer_feminist Film Festival Vienna 2020, and Belvedere 21/Ursula Blickle Video Archive.
Further Information

November 16 to 21 | Youki – International Youth Media Festival, Wels
Stefan Huber leads online film analysis workshops for school classes, and (together with Dina Bukva and Leni Gruber) forms part of the jury for the festival's Austrian Prize, awarded by KINO VOD CLUB.

October 30 | Institute of Rural History (online)
The workshop of the European Rural History Film Association will present Austrian and international activities in the field of archiving and research. Stefanie Zingl talks about the research projects of the Austrian Film Museum.
Further information

October 28 | Film Restored – The Film Heritage Festival (online)
Workshop report with Petra Belc (Kinoklub Zagreb) and Nadja Šičarov (Austrian Film Museum): "Preserving Yugoslav Experimental Amateur Film Heritage: The films of Tatjana Ivančić", followed by the screening of the short film program "Tatjana Ivančić: Experimental films".
Further information

October 8 | IBA_Wien (WEST)
Katharina Müller and Janneke van Dalen present the film collection and filmmakers from the Film Museum's amateur film collection at the symposium "Women Build City. The City Through a Female Lens".
Further Information

September 16 | University of Applied Arts Vienna (online)
Vanessa Scharrer: "That's Original! Preservation and Restoration of Photographic and Motion Picture Material". Lecture as part of the International Summer School 2020 Remote organized by the University of Applied Arts Vienna on the topic of Sustaining Cultural Heritage through Preventive Conservation and Collection Care.

September 10 (postponed from June 4) | Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv
As part of an exhibition on Viennese cinema-history Günter Krenn will talk about Austrian film production from the beginning to the early sound film era (Ein Gebrauchsgegenstand mit künstlerischen Elementen. Bemerkungen zur österreichischen Filmproduktion von den Anfängen bis in die Tonfilmzeit).
Further information

May 27 | Orphan Film Symposium - Online
Petra Belc (Cineclub Zagreb) and Nadja Šičarov (Austrian Film Museum) present "The Maritime Mini-documentaries: Restoring the Amateur Experimental" and Super 8 Sound Films of Tatjana Ivančić (Yugoslavia, 1970s).
Watch online

May 14 | University of Applied Arts Vienna
Stefan Huber leads an online unit of the seminar "a course on animals and art" at the Institute for Visual and Media Arts, Sculpture and Space/University of Applied Arts (seminar leader: Eva Seiler). Title of his lecture: "(Human) animal in the surrealistic films".
Further information

March 20 (cancelled) | Cinéma du réel, Paris
Nadja Šičarov: Presentation of the restoration work of Grand Opera (1979, James Benning) during the European Classic Documentary Meeting at the Festival Cinema du réel.
Further information

March 7 | Technical Museum Vienna
Michael Loebenstein and Franziska Mühlbacher, head of Education at the Technical Museum, guide through the "Special Effects" exhibition, while Victoria Grinzinger and Stefan Huber show film clips and discuss how films use special effects to create fantastic worlds.
Further information

March 3 | Cinémathèque française, Paris
Jurij Meden talks about Portrait of a Programmer at the 5th FIAF/Cinémathèque française Winter School "Programming Film Heritage"

February 27 | Berlinale/silent green Kulturquartier
Michael Loebenstein at the Panel "ANTI-CINEMA, COUNTER-ARCHIVES. Strategies of dissident film preservation, restoration and circulation". An invitation of Forum and Forum Expanded.
Arsenal website

February 12 | International Film Studies Conference, Venice
Paolo Caneppele: Participation in the panel "Amateur & Archive Film Festivals" during the International Film Studies Conference "Reframing Film Festivals. Histories, Economies, Cultures". Title of contribution: I festival del cinema amatoriale. Metodi di ricerca, fonti, storia, prospettive.
Further information

February 2 | Stiftung Universität Hildesheim
Michael Loebenstein talks about "Visual History of the Holocaust. Rethinking Curating in the Digital Age" at the international symposium "Ethics of Curating".
Symposium | Research project

January 27 |  Malach Centre for Visual History, Prague
Michael Loebenstein: Participation in the Expert Panel "Institutions and Oral History in Europe, 'Small' and 'Big' Perspectives and Possibilities, Research and Technology"
Malach Centre

January 14 | University Salzburg
Lecture Katharina Müller: "Über Umwege: Ins Österreichische Filmmuseum"

January 8 | University of Applied Arts Vienna
Stefan Huber leads a unit of the seminar "a course on animals" at the Institute for Visual and Media Arts, Sculpture and Space/University of Applied Arts (seminar leader: Eva Seiler). Title of his lecture: "(Human) animal and cinematic apparatus. A failed attempt at domestication".
Further information

Michael Loebenstein bei der Projektpräsentation "am rand : die stadt" in Moskau (Fotos: Daniil Primak/Moskino)
Vortrag von Günter Krenn und Paolo Caneppele (Foto: Wienbibliothek © Georg Lembergh)
Buchpräsentation "Gerhard Friedl. Ein Arbeitsbuch" im Rahmen der Duisburger Filmwoche (© Duisburger Filmwoche/Simon Bierwald)
Stefanie Zingl und Amira Ben Saoud (Riot Festival) im WIFAR - Wiener Filmarchiv der Arbeiterbewegung, 5. März 2019 (Foto: ÖFM © Katharina Müller)
Impulsvortrag beim Branchentreffen der Diagonale von Stefan Huber, 2019 © Dominik Tschütscher
Kevin Lutz, Winter School for Audiovisual Archiving 2019 (Beeld & Geluid, Hilversum/The Netherlands)
Michael Loebenstein nahm beim "Schwarzmarkt für nützliches Wissen und Nicht-Wissen" teil, September 2019 (C) Franzi Kreis


December 19 | Università degli Studi di Udine
Lecture by Paolo Caneppele on archiving practice at the conference "Non-theatrical film and non-broadcast video": Sulla pratica di registrare dalla televisione e la sua 'cristallizzazione' nelle raccolte di videocassette. Per un approccio prassiologico delle strategie di acquisizione e conservazione negli archivi.
Further information

December 12 | Theatermuseum, Vienna
On occasion of a symposium to the 100th birthday of Austrian actor Fritz Muliar Günter Krenn will speak about Muliar's work for film and television. A book will be published in 2020.  

December 10 | University of Vienna, Center for Translation Studies
Lecture by Ivana Miloš: "Linguistic and cinematic challenges in subtitling feature films"
Further information

December 10 | Slovensko mladinsko gledališče, Ljubljana
Jurij Meden at the panel discussion "Ko gre umetnost v partizane" on partisan film.
Further information

December 9 | Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3
"AMATEURINNEN* – Sur la perte de contrôle comme la meilleure façon de tuer les pères": Lecture  by Katharina Müller, Stefanie Zingl, and Sandra Ladwig (University of Applied Arts Vienna) at the symposium Tuer les pères : femmes derrière la caméra dans les films de famille.

November 25 | Cineteca di Bologna
Paolo Caneppele: Lecturer at the all-day educational course at the Cineteca di Bologna: "The archives of living images: preserving to show".

November 27 I Pupille – Kino in der Uni, Frankfurt/Main
As part of the "Remake. Frankfurter Frauen Film Tage" ums freiwerden hätte es ja gehen sollen by Elfriede Irrall was shown, followed by a conversation with Stefanie Zingl (Österreichisches Filmmuseum) and Ulle Zeilfelder
Further information

November 22 | Youki - International Youth Media Festival, Wels
Stefan Huber leads workshops on film analysis for children and young people.
Further information

November 14 | AMIA Conference, Baltimore/Maryland
Nadja Šičarov and Janneke van Dalen present together with F. Gracy (Kent State University), Erwin Verbruggen (Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision), and Catherine Gadbois-Laurendeau (Cinémathèque Québécoise) the panel Share That Knowledge! Developing Strategies for Knowledge-Sharing about Audiovisual Archives at the annual conference of AMIA (Associciation of Moving Image Archivists).

November 11 | Bookstore Bestseller (Ekazent), Vienna
Stefanie Zingl presents amateur films as part of the book presentation "Motorsport in Austria 1945 to 1970" by Matthias Marschik.

November 8 | Duisburger Filmwoche
Buch launch & reading "Gerhard Friedl. Ein Arbeitsbuch" (Edited by Volker Pantenburg) in the presence of Michael Loebenstein at the Duisburger Filmwoche.
Duisburger Filmwoche

October 31 | Haus der Geschichte, Sankt Pölten
Workshop with Michael Loebenstein and Stefanie Zingl, among others, as part of the symposium "Bewegte Landbilder" on the development of the film collection "Niederösterreich privat."

October 17 | Austrian Cultural Forum, Kino Theater Zwezda, Moscow
Michael Loebenstein and Hanna Schimek presented our project "on the margin : the city" in the framework of the project presentation "I am Moscow"    
July 18 & 23 | dotdotdot4plus, Wien
Stefan Huber presents – together with Lisa Mai – the film programs "Jazzoo! Tiere im Groove" and "Ich ziehe in den Zoo"  at the short film festival for all "4 plus"

May 23 | Wienbibliothek im Rathaus
As a part of an exhibition dedicated to the Austrian poster artist Victor Slama at Wienbibliothek, Paolo Caneppele and Günter Krenn will present examples of Slama's sketches, which are part of the Film Museum's collection. Texts of the two authors will be published in the catalogue of the exhibition.  
Further information

May 20 | Diagonale, Graz
Keynote lecture at the industry meeting of the Diagonale by Stefan Huber on the topic "How much cinema does film education need"?
May 16 I Sapientia Universität, Cluj-Napoca
Lecture Stefanie Zingl "Preserving Memories of Amateur Filmmakers: Oral Histories in the Archive" in the framework of a workshop.

May 6 & 21 I Bezirksmuseum Floridsdorf and Hauptbibliothek Wien
Janneke van Dalen and Stefanie Zingl present ephemeral films at the book launch of Die Donauwiese by Matthias Marschik.

April 12 & 13 | Arsenal Kino, Berlin
Christoph Huber will hold the opening lecture of the retrospective dedicated to Swedish director Bo Widerberg on April 12 and will introduce Widerberg's Sjöwall-Wahlöö adaptation Mannen på taket (Mann auf dem Dach, 1976) on April 13.
March 15 to 17 | Kino im Deutschen Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
In the framework of a hommage to Robert Hossein, presented by Filmkollektiv Frankfurt, our colleague Christoph Huber will give introductions.
Filmkollektiv Frankfurt

From March 15 | Bildraum 07, Vienna
Tricky Women | Tricky Realities 2019 present works by Stacey Steers ("Edge of Alchemy") at Bildraum 07. Elisabeth Streit will speak at the exhibition opening.
Tricky Women

March 13 | Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Wien
"AMATEURINNEN": Katharina Müller & Stefanie Zingl will present and lecture about films made by women from the film collection of the Austrian Film Museum

March 5 | WIFAR - Wiener Filmarchiv der Arbeiterbewegung
Stefanie Zingl presents an ephemeral film program made by women from the film collection of the Austrian Film Museum in the framework of RRRIOT festival. Discussion afterwards.
RRRIOT Festival

February 21 | Vienna City Library
In the context of the exhibition "100% Schlager" at the Wienbibliothek (Vienna City Library) Günter Krenn will speak about popular songs in early talking movies: "Muss in jedem Film gesungen werden? Bemerkungen zum Schlager im frühen Tonfilm".
Further information

February 19 |  EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), Paris
First official project presentation of "Visual History of the Holocaust" in Paris by our research partners CERCEC and EHESS. Michael Loebenstein will present the project as guest speaker and deputy project leader.

January 19 | Arsenal Kino, Berlin
During the opening weekend of the retrospective devoted to Michail Kalik in cooperation with the Film Museum Christoph Huber joins a panel discussion with Erika and Ulrich Gregor, Barbara Wurm, and Anna Malgina about the Soviet-jewish director's outstanding role in the cinema of the Thaw as well as an exile filmmaker.

January 17 | Literaturmuseum der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Vienna
A panel discussion with Christoph Huber and Michael Rohrwasser about the literary "phenomenon" Johannes Mario Simmel and the film adaptation of the Viennese writer's bestseller novels.
Filmarchiv Austria

January 15 |  Beeld & Geluid, Hilversum/The Netherlands
The first live webinar for the Winter School for Audiovisual Archiving 2019. Guest speaker is Kevin Lutz, co-head of the film collection of the Austrian Film Museum.
Webinar Beeld & Geluid
Jurij Meden at the Film Preservation & Restoration Workshop India 2018 (c) Film Heritage Foundation (Mumbai)
Michael Loebenstein beim Symposium "Picturing Austrian Cinema" an der Universität Cambridge © Katharina Müller
Katharina Müller beim Symposium "Picturing Austrian Cinema" an der Universität Cambridge © Hamish Park


December 7 |  Austria Center Vienna, Austria
Michael Loebenstein takes part at the plenary session of the conference "#EuropeForCulture", which was jointly organized by the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission.
Further information

November 28 to 30 |  Kommunalkino Bremen
The Bremen Conference "Research in Film and History: New Approaches, Debates and Projects" seeks to explore a point of intersection between the disciplines of film studies and history, paying particular attention to new approaches to this interdisciplinary field. Michael Loebenstein will present the EU Horizon 2020 project "Liberation Footage and Digital Approaches" and take part in the discussion "Interactive Film as Research Method".
Further information

November 22 | mumok, Vienna
Exhibition talk with Roland Fischer-Briand in the framework of Photo/Politics/Austria. The exhibition takes you on a photographic journey through Austrian history from 1918 to the present.
Further information
November 16 to 21 | Kolkata, India
Jurij Meden will be teaching at the Film Preservation & Restoration Workshop India, an initiative of Film Heritage Foundation and FIAF, in association witha number of FIAF archives and other organizations and companies in the film heritage field.
Further information

November 4 to 6 | European Forum at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Ingo Zechner (Ludwig Boltzmann Institut) and Michael Loebenstein present private films from the collection of the Film Museum at the conference "Nach dem 'Anschluss': Remembering Austria's 1938".
Hebrew University

October 13 | Museum der Moderne, Salzburg
Elisabeth Streit and Tom Waibel: Lecture "Amos Vogel – 'A Travelling Salesman of culture'" in the context of a symposium on the subject of mediators between cultures, organized by the Museum der Moderne Salzburg.
more on the symposium

September 22 to 23 | Universität Cambridge (Queens' College)
At the third edition of Picturing Austrian Cinema, a Cambridge Research Symposium hold at Queen's College, Michael Loebenstein and Katharina Müller lectured Austrian Cinema.
more on the symposium

September 27 to 30 | 25 FPS, Zagreb
Alejandro Bachmann is member of the critics' Jury
more on the festival

September 24 |  Lab80 / Cinescatti Archive, Bergamo
Paolo Caneppele: Lecture in the context of the educational training project "Re-framing home movies - L'eredità ritrovata - I film di famiglia dall'archivio alla valorizzazione pubblica", organized by three Italian Film Archives who preserve Italian amateur films and home movies.
Further information

September 20 & 21 | DOKUMENTAR - FILM - KULTUR, Cologne
Alejandro Bachmann: Lecture and moderation of a workshop on film education in the context of the symposium
more on the symposium (German only)

July 7 & 12 | Kino unter Sternen (Cinema Under the Stars), Vienna
Elisabeth Streit and Hans Langsteiner on The Red Shoes (1948, Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger)
Talk with Michael Loebenstein about Wilhelm Pellert's film Jesus von Ottakring (1975)

July 7 | Belvedere 21, Vienna
Based on his multimedia exhibition Pluriversum. The Poetic Power of Theory, Alexander Kluge will organize a film and discussion workshop with his guests (a.o. Michael Loebenstein) at Belvedere 21.
Further Information

June 20 I University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Alejandro Bachmann: Paper on "Film education and the Institution: a media-ecological perspective" in the context of the "Scottish International Film Education Conference"

June 5 | Vienna City Library
Exhibition talk "Film und Geschichte - Propaganda in laufenden Bildern" with Michael Loebenstein and Ingo Zechner (LBI) in the context of the exhibition "'Wir wissen es, daß diese Beamtenschaft ihre Pflicht auch im neuen Wien tun wird'- Die Wiener Stadtverwaltung 1938"
Further information

June 4 | Gewerbehaus, Wien
Panel "Cultural memory or digital blackout": Representatives of Filmmuseum and Filmarchiv Austria will discuss challenges of film and video archiving as well as possibilities for the long-term preservation of the audiovisual heritage in Austria.

May 17 to 19 | Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino, Trient
Paolo Caneppele: Presentation of "La Grande Guerra in Internet. Pratiche di presentazione" at  the international conference "Rewinding the Great War"

April 11 to 14 I Kinodvor/Slovenska Kinoteka, Llubljana
Alejandro Bachmann: Lecture on experimental cinema in film education & two workshops in the context of the "2. International Conference on Film Education"
More information and video documentation

March 16 to 25 | One World Romania 2018, Bucharest
Michael Loebenstein will present Cinema Futures by Michael Palm at the International Human Rights and Documentary Festival "One World Romania" and will discuss the importance of film archives and museums for civil society with academics, curators and filmmakers.
>>> Festivalwebsite

March 13 to 18 I Diagonale, Graz
Alejandro Bachmann: Introductions and Q&A's with fimmakers in the context of the film program "Live Wire Province. Post-1968 Film Tropes of the Provincial."
Programm (PDF) | Diagonale

March 7 | La Cinémathèque française, Paris
Lecture Alexander Horwath: "La vie passée, repenser la restauration des films: quelques notes" at the festival Toute la mémoire du monde 2018
>>> La Cinémathèque française

March 1 | Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Median, Graz
Lecture by Michael Loebenstein and Paolo Caneppele ("Zwischen Detritus und Überrest: das Treibgut des Filmes") in the context of the exhibition "Was vom Kino übrig blieb"
Künstlerhaus Graz

February 22-23 | Università La Sapienza, Rome
Lecture by Paolo Caneppele at a training course dedicated to the archival treatment of family films organized by ANAI Associazione Nazionale Archivistica Italiana ("I film di famiglia negli archivi audiovisivi e nelle biblioteche. Metodologie e pratiche archivistiche")
January 29 | International Film Festival, Rotterdam
Alejandro Bachmann: "Gazing at the Stars, Reflecting on Present and Past" – Conversation with Johann Lurf on his film at the symposium "Over the Moon. Imaging Technologies versus Popular Imagination".
>>> IFFR
Workshop von Stefanie Zingl "Projecting Souvenirs. Home Movie Practice in practice" in St. Petersburg (Foto: Erpuleva Liudmila)
Workshop von Stefanie Zingl "Projecting Souvenirs. Home Movie Practice in practice" in St. Petersburg (Foto: Erpuleva Liudmila)
Discussion at the Amerika-Haus, Vienna, with Bruce Jenkins, Mark Toscano and Alexander Horwath (Photo: US Embassy Vienna)
Gesprächsrunde mit Andrew Burn, Katren Lury, Alejandro Bachmann, Alain Bergala, Alasdair Satchel (v.l.n.r.) zur Buchpräsentation von Bergalas "The Cinema Hypothesis", BFI 2017


December 3 | Filmarchiv Austria, Vienna
Panel discussion in the framework of the exhibition "Analog_Digital" at the Filmarchiv Austria with Nikolaus Wostry (FAA), Janneke van Dalen (Austrian Film Museum), Michaela Mayr (ONB), Christoph Bauer (ORF).
Filmarchiv Austria

October 24 | Angewandte Innovation Laboratory (AIL), Vienna
Film screening with talk about collecting objects in and outside of museums. With Paolo Caneppele and Michael Salge (Raumprojekt PerpetuuMobile 2.3, KAMA Wien)

October 21 | KV Leipzig
International Home Movie Day with Stefanie Zingl from the Austrian Film Museum 
Home Movie Day

October 18 I Austrian Film Museum, Vienna
Alejandro Bachmann: Filmprogram "The Cinema, Every Day I The Cinematic Everyday" with introduction and discussion in the context of the lecture series "Figurations of the Everyday" at the Theatre-, Film- and Media-Departement of the University of Vienna

September 26 | Wiener Filmarchiv der Arbeiterbewegung (WIFAR)
Paolo Caneppele presents the Film Museum project "Wien bewegt"

September 13 | Akademie der Künste, Berlin
Exhibition opening with Jeanine Meerapfel and Alexander Horwath "Tell It to the Stones. The Work of Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub"
Further information

June 15 to 21 | Filmkollektiv Frankfurt
Introductions by Christoph Huber and Elisabeth Streit in the context of the Bo Widerberg Retrospective "Leben um jeden Preis"
Further information

June 15 I Svenska Filminstitutet, Stockholm
Alejandro Bachmann: Presentation on the principles of film education at the Austrian Film Museum
June 7 | Cinémathèque québécoise, Montreal
Stefanie Zingl: "The List in a Suitcase. Amateur Film as Visual List" at the conference Cinema in the Eye of the Collector
Further information

May 23 | Museum of the History of Photography, St. Petersburg
Workshop with Stefanie Zingl "Projecting Souvenirs. Home Movie Practice in Practice"
Photos from the Workshop

May 19 | Ehemaliges k. und k. Post- und Telegraphenamt, Vienna
Alejandro Bachmann: Panel "Bewegte Bilder: Film und Video als Medium der Architektur" in the framework of the exhibition "Entwerfen" at the TU Wien.
Further Information

May 18 | Lichtspiel Kinemathek, Bern
Stefanie Zingl and Raoul Schmidt: "Fragmentary Recollections. Shadows of Sound in Small Gauge Cinema" at the international conference The Noisy Amateur Film
Further information

May 6 | George Eastman House, Rochester
Alexander Horwath: "My Life without Nitrate" (The James Card Memorial Lecture) at the Nitrate Picture Show 2017
Program Nitrate Picture Show 2017 (PDF)

May 5 | George Eastman House, Rochester
Panel discussion with Kodak CEO Jeff Clarke and Alexander Horwath after the screening of Michael Palm's Cinema Futures (2016)

May 3 to 7 I 22. International Film Symposium, Bremen
Alejandro Bachmann: Paper on "Film and Space - On the spatial language of film, exemplified through the museum space"

April 27 | Depot, Vienna
Book Launch Kino Buch. Filme, die ich gesehen habe. Protokolle der Stenotypistin Charlotte Gerth aus Leipzig by Katrin Erthel/Tabea Nixdorff and discussion with Paolo Caneppele

April 19 to 23 I Documentary Film Festival, Hamburg
Alejandro Bachmann: Program and discussion on the relationship of analogue film and documentary practice

April 15 | Dartmouth College, Hanover/USA
Panel with Alexander Horwath on "Film Advocacy: Museums, Archives, Collections" at the interdisciplinary conference "A Century of Filmkritik and Beyond"
Further information

April 4 | Amerika-Haus, Vienna
Panel discussion "Die globale Bedeutung des amerikanischen Avantgarde-Films" with Bruce Jenkins and Mark Toscano, moderated by Alexander Horwath. In cooperation with Amerika-Haus and Diagonale.
Further information

March 30 | Diagonale, Graz
Discussion with Alexander Horwath about film curatorship ("Film: Was bleibt?"). Introductions and Q&A's by Alejandro Bachmann in the context of the program "This is not America: Austrian Drifters".

March 14 | Universita' degli studi di Udine (Gorizia)
Lecture/Workshop Paolo Caneppele: "Lista, archivio, filmografia. Empatia ed emozioni nel lavoro archivistico"

February 3 I British Film Institute, London    
Alejandro Bachmann: Introduction at the book launch of The Cinema Hypothesis by Alain Bergala and participation at the discussion event on issues of film education theory, practice and culture
Live-stream of the event

January 13 I Cinemateca Portuguesa, Lissabon
"O Lugar do Analógico e o Desafio do Digital": Panel with Alexander Horwath on the issue of digitalisation and film preservation (ANIM: 20 ANOS)
Alexander Horwath im Gespräch mit Judith Wieser-Huber bei Kino unter Sternen 2016
Elisabeth Streit und Hans Langsteiner über Anna Seghers und Fred Zinnemann bei Kino unter Sternen 2016
Alexander Horwath spricht mit Lucas Gehrmann, Kunsthalle "L'Exposition Imaginaire"
Michael Haneke und Alexander Horwath auf der Diagonale 2016 © Diagonale/Pibernig


25.11. to 4.12. I Festival Internazionale di Cinema Dal, Milano
Alejandro Bachmann and Claudio Santancini give introductions to four film programs showcasing restorations of experimental cinema

25.11. | École nationale des chartes, Paris
"A Utopia of Film – Projection is Restoration": Film-Talk with Alexander Horwath and Natacha Laurent at the conference "Patrimoine et patrimonialisation du cinéma depuis les années 1960"
Program (PDF, in French)

23.11.-25.11. | Youki - International Youth Media Festival, Wels
Stefan Huber: Education program "Bildgestaltung & Schnitt (or: How a Star is Born)".
More Information

22.11. | Kino Tuškanac, Zagreb
Christoph Huber introduces the program "Film mosaic: Magic of the Austrian Film Museum" on the occasion of the Short Tuesday series.
More Information

07.11.-13.11. | Duisburger Filmwoche
Alejandro Bachmann is part of the ARTE Jury

20.10. | Technisches Museum, Vienna
Project presentation "Wien bewegt!" by Paolo Caneppele, Raoul Schmidt at the panel meeting "Aufnahme läuft. Private Videobestände – Öffentliche Archive?"
More Information

28.9. | Steirischer Herbst Festival, Graz
Steirischer Herbst is screening the latest film of Apichatpong Weerasethakul for the first time in Graz: Cemetery of Splendour. After the screening: Alexander Horwath in conversation with Claus Philipp.
Steirischer Herbst

21.9.-23.9. | Deutsches Filmmuseum, Frankfurt
Alejandro Bachmann: Moderation of the panel "Film als Medium der Begegnung und Bewältigung?" and film talk after the screening of Babylon by Youssef Chebbi in the context of the symposium „Film, Flucht und Interkultur".
More on the symposium
15.9.-17.9. I Warburg-Haus, Hamburg
Alejandro Bachmann: Lecture "Film ist. I Denken ist. – Zur Sichtbarmachung assoziativen Bilddenkens in Film ist. 1-6" at the symposium "Visuelle Assoziation"
7.7. und 11.7. | Kino unter Sternen (Cinema Under the Stars), Vienna
"Hoffnung, wo es keine gibt": Film-Talk with Elisabeth Streit and Hans Langsteiner;
"Der GLANZ des Ö-Films – Nacht und Tag": Film-Talk with Alexander Horwath and Judith Wieser-Huber

20.-22.6. | Universidad de Navarra, Spain
Raoul Schmidt: Lecture "Home Movies as Ego-Documents" at the TiMeDoc Conference Time and Memory in Non-fiction Cinema

TiMeDoc Conference

1.5. | Kunsthalle Wien
L’Exposition Imaginaire: Alexander Horwath talks about different forms of exhibiting and the idea of a museum on screen.
Kunsthalle Wien | Video of the talk (in German)


27.4-1.5. I 21. Internationales Symposium Film, Bremen
Alejandro Bachmann: Lecture "Mit der linken Hand sehen. Utopie der Moderne und kindlicher Blick"
More Information


14.4. | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Literatur, Vienna

Symposium :aichinger - digital human: Talk with Alexander Horwath about "Ilse Aichinger und das Kino"

More Information


8.-13.3. I Diagonale, Graz
Alejandro Bachmann: Introductions to the film program "Filmische Widerreden. Österreich, die Waldheim-Jahre" (daily); Alexander Horwath in conversation with Michael Haneke (13.3.)
Diagonale | Program "Filmische Widerreden" (PDF)
Vortrag Alejandro Bachmann im National Film Archive, Prag
Stefan Huber, YOUKI 2015 © Anja Kundrat


21.11. | Youki-Internationales Jugend Medien Festival, Wels
Stefan Huber: Seminar für Lehrer/innen zum Thema "Filmvermittlung als Spurenlesen" im Rahmen des Festivals
12. & 13.11. | Kinothek Asta Nielsen e.V., Frankfurt
Paolo Caneppele: Vortrag "Die Amateurfilmschachtel" und (gemeinsam mit Raoul Schmidt) Filmprogramm "Amateurfilme im Österreichischen Filmmuseum" im Rahmen von Privat-Vorstellung: Internationales Amateurfilmfestival
13.11. | Tiroler Landesmuseum – Museum im Zeughaus, Innsbruck
Oliver Hanley, Adelheid Heftberger: Vortrag und Projektvorstellung „World Wide Wochenschau – Das Online-Videoprojekt Österreich in Bild und Ton: Die Jahre 1935 bis 1937“ im Rahmen der Jahrestagung der IASA-Ländergruppe Deutschland/Schweiz und der Medien Archive Austria
5.11. | Museum Documentation Centre, Zagreb
Alejandro Bachmann: Vortrag "The How and the What - On conceptualizing Curatorship of Film" beim Symposium Museums of Film, Film in the Museum.
29.10. | Institut für Kultur-, Literatur- und Musikwissenschaft, Universität Klagenfurt
Paolo Caneppele und Raoul Schmidt: Präsentation der Tätigkeit des Filmmuseums im Bereich Amateurfilm und Buchvorstellung Abenteuer Alltag im Rahmen der Konferenz Bewegtbilder und Alltagskultur(en) – von Super 8 über Video zum Handyfilm. Praktiken von Amateuren im Prozess der gesellschaftlichen Ästhetisierung.
16.10. I LUFF - Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival
Alejandro Bachmann: Einführungen zum Filmprogramm "From Mosaic to Mosaic: Fragments from the History of the Austrian Avantgarde - 1955 to 2011"
9.10. | London Film Festival, BFI Southbank
Podiumsdiskussion "Film" mit Alexander Horwath, Tacita Dean und Christopher Nolan
Mehr zum Programm
2.10. | Wiener Konzerthaus
Oliver Hanley & Alexander Horwath: Vortrag "The Case of Lena Smith", Berio Saal; Präsentation von Josef von Sternbergs Salvation Hunters mit Live-Musik von Brad Mehldau, Großer Saal
24.9. I Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Berlin
Alejandro Bachmann: Teilnahme mit Impulsvortrag bei Tagung "Konzepte und Methoden zur Vermittlung von Filmgeschichte".
19.6. | Deutsches Filmmuseum, Frankfurt
Alexander Horwath: Werkstattgespräch "Kontext Kino" im Rahmen des Masterstudiengangs Filmkultur
Mehr zum Programm (PDF)
26.5. I National Film Archive, Prag
Alejandro Bachmann: Vortrag "Don't Believe the Hype: Cinema as a Political Space of Film Education" im Rahmen des Seminars "Archival Film Today"
9.5. I City 46, Bremen
Alejandro Bachmann: Filmprogramm Science | Fiction. Vergegenwärtigung des Außergewöhnlichen mit Einführung im Rahmen des Symposiums "Die Zukunft ist jetzt. Science Fiction-Kino als audiovisueller Entwurf von Geschichte(n), Räumen und Klängen
5.5. I Internationale Kurzfilmtage, Oberhausen
Alejandro Bachmann: Vortrag mit Filmprogramm Die Vergangenheit unter ihren Vorzeichen für die Gegenwart aktualisieren im Rahmen der Reihe "Archive"
27.3. I Brandenburgisches Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften, Potsdam
Alejandro Bachmann: Panel-Teilnahme Bildung und Vermittlung im Rahmen der Tagung "Audiovisuelles Kulturerbe. Archivierung, Nutzung, Vermittlung"
15.3. | Forum Stadtpark, Graz
Oliver Hanley: Teilnahme an der Podiumsdiskussion "Basisarbeit. Filmreihen, Kommunale Kinos, Filmarchive, Multimediale Sammlungen, Digitalisierung" im Rahmen des Symposiums "blimp 30: film.zeit.schrift" zum 30. Gründungsjahr der Filmzeitschrift blimp
Mehr zum "blimp 30"-Projekt
2.3. I Deutsches Filmmuseum, Frankfurt
Alejandro Bachmann berichtet über Prinzipien der Filmvermittlung im Österreichischen Filmmuseum im Rahmen der Tagung "Film & Schule in Hessen: Welche Unterstüzung brauchen Lehrer/innen in Unterricht und Ausbildung?"
16.1. I Národní filmový archiv, Prag
Alejandro Bachmann: Film Education and Cinema Space. Panelteilnahme im Rahmen der Konferenz "Film Education for the 21st Century"
Alejandro Bachmann, YOUKI Wels © Lukas Maul


21.11. I YOUKI – Internationales Jugend Medien Festival, Wels

Alejandro Bachmann: Seminar für Lehrende: Filmvermittlung als Spurensuche im Rahmen der Vermittlungsreihe und als Kooperation mit dem Festiva

mehr zum Vermittlungsprogramm


20.11. I Extrauni – die Zeitbasierten im OK, Linz

Alejandro Bachmann und Raoul Schmidt: Vortrag und Gesprächsmoderation nach Filmpräsentation für Masterstudenten der Zeitbasierten Medien der Kunstuniversität Linz

mehr zu Extrauni


18.11. I cinefest, Hamburg

Alejandro Bachmann im Gesprächspodium zum Thema "abgedreht, angelaufen, ausgestellt. Filmvermittlung durch Ausstellen?" in der Zentralbibliothek der Bücherhallen Hamburg

mehr zu den Foren des cinefest


23.9. I Deutsches Filmmuseum, Frankfurt

Alejandro Bachmann: Das regelmäßig im ÖFM durchgeführte Vermittlungsprogramm Die Kino Maschine wird vor Ort mit Schüler/innen durchgeführt.

Mehr zu Die Kino Maschine


21.9. I University of Cambridge, St. John’s College
Alexander Horwath: Vortrag zum österreichischen Avantgardefilm und Panel-Leitung im Rahmen der Forschungskonferenz Picturing Austrian Cinema 


8.5. I Universität Bremen & City 46, Bremen
Alejandro Bachmann: Filmprogramm On Air. Eine Sprossen- und Zackenschrift des 20. Jahrhunderts mit Einführung. Im Rahmen des Symposiums "Film Geschichte / Produktion und Erfahrung von Geschichte durch Bewegtbild und Ton"
Mehr zum Symposium

2.4. I Udine/Gorizia
Paolo Caneppele: Items Misplaced in Time. Film Industry's Trade Marks (1893-1920). Vortrag im Rahmen der 21. International Film Studies Conference: At the Borders of (Film) History. Temporality, Archaeology, Theories

19.-22.3. I Diagonale - Festival des österreichischen Films
Alejandro Bachmann, Alexander Horwath, Regina Schlagnitweit: Ein anderes Land: Fünf österreichische Filmgeschichten. Gemeinsam mit Sebastian Höglinger und Barbara Pichler (Diagonale) zusammengestelltes Programm anlässlich des 50. Jubiläums des ÖFM

Mehr zu Ein Anderes Land

14.1. I Universität für angewandte Kunst, Wien
Georg Wasner: Relationale Ästhetik, Aktualität & Nachzeitlichkeit filmdokumentarischer Überlieferungen. Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars "Filmavantgarde IV" von Prof. Gabriele Jutz
Paolo Caneppele beim Internationalen Filmhistorischen Kongress, Hamburg (2013)
Publikumsgespräche mit Amir Labaki über Dziga Vertov und die Vertov-Sammlung des Filmmuseums, "E Tudo Verdade / It's All True", Sao Paolo und Rio de Janeiro


28.11. | Cinémathèque royale de Belgique, Brüssel
Oliver Hanley: Vision and strategy for digitisation at the Austrian Film Museum. Präsentation im Rahmen des jährlichen Treffens der Cinema Expert Group – Subgroup Film Heritage der Europäischen Kommission
Mehr zum Treffen

21.11. | 26. Internationaler Filmhistorischer Kongress, Hamburg
Paolo Caneppele: Schmalfilme, schmal zensuriert? Die Zensurpraxis der Amateur- und Schmalfilme 1928-38

Mehr zum Programm

15.11. | University of Copenhagen, Kopenhagen
Oliver Hanley, Adelheid Heftberger: Curation and Presentation in the Digital Age. Vortrag im Rahmen der LARM-Konferenz "Digital Archives, Audiovisual Media and Cultural Memory"
Mehr zur Konferenz

21.10. | British Film Institute – JP Conservation Centre, Berkamsted
Adelheid Heftberger: Small is beautiful? Digitisation, Publication and "Digital" Curation at the Austrian Film Museum. Vortrag bei einem Conservation Technology Seminar

9.10. | Auditorium della Regione, Pordenone
Oliver Hanley: Präsentation des Projekts EFG1914 im Rahmen der XXXII. Giornate del Cinema Muto
Mehr zum Festival

9.8. I Eisenerz, Steiermark
Georg Wasner: Romantisch, Stählern. Vortrag zu Walter Ruttmanns Metall des Himmels im Rahmen des Filmprogramms "Eisenerz im Film": Eine hundertjährige Filmgeschichte; Block II: Nationalsymbol IndustriearbeiterInnen
Mehr zur Veranstaltung

2.7. | Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna
Alejandro Bachmann, Oliver Hanley: Filmgeschichte im Österreichischen Filmmuseum. Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars "Präsentation und Distributionsformen von Filmgeschichte" der Universität Zürich

22.6. | Charles University, Prag
Oliver Hanley: Digitisation and "Non-National" Film Archives  Maintaining Archival Identity in a Transitory Age. Panelvortrag im Rahmen der 8. Jahreskonferenz des NECS – Network for European Cinema and Media Studies "Media Politics – Political Media"
19.6. | Městská knihovna, Prag
Adelheid Heftberger: "Towards a Political Engagement with Open Access in Scholarly Publishing" – Round Table im Rahmen der 8. Jahreskonferenz des NECS
Mehr zum Round Table

17.6. | Mediateca Regionale Pugliese, Bari
Adriana Noviello: Film Restoration. Vortrag im Rahmen des Workshops "Digital Heritage – Audiovisual Archives in the Digital Era"
Mehr zum Workshop


17.6. | Universität Wien
Alejandro Bachmann: 3 Aspekte der Filmvermittlung im musealen Kontext  Dispositiv, Historizität, Spurensuche. Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung "Filmische Bildung" des Fachbereichs Deutsche Philologie
Mehr zur Lehrveranstaltung

11.6. | Porgy and Bess, Wien
Adelheid Heftberger: Einführung zu Po Zakonu im Rahmen der 100-Jahr-Feier des Österreichischen Komponistenverbandes

4.5. | Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen
Alejandro Bachmann in einer Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema "Vom überraschenden Lernen: Kinder erfahren Experimentalfilme"
17.4.-21.4. | Courtisane Festival, Ghent
Alejandro Bachmann, Alexander Horwath: Präsentation von 3 Filmprogrammen zum Thema Artistic Research

7.4. & 10.4. | E Tudo Verdade / It's All True, Sao Paolo und Rio de Janeiro
Adelheid Heftberger: Publikumsgespräche mit Amir Labaki über Dziga Vertov und die Vertov-Sammlung des Filmmuseums im Rahmen der Retrospektive
Mehr zum Festival


7.12. | Studienzentrum Filmarchiv Austria, Wien
Paolo Caneppele: Vortrag Das schöne Behältnis. Über Schachteln, Aufschriften und Kuverts im Rahmen der Jahrestagung der Medien Archive Austria – MAA
Mehr zum Programm

5.12. | Leokino, Innsbruck
Adelheid Heftberger: Einführung zum Film Die unglaublichen Abenteuer des Mister West im Lande der Bolschewiki, gemeinsam mit Eva Binder (Universität Innsbruck). Im Rahmen des Polit-Film-Festival 12 – Umbruch und Status Quo
Mehr zum Festival

30.11.-4.12. | Kinoproba-Filmfestival, Ekaterinburg
Adelheid Heftberger: Präsentation des Filmprogramms Out of Focus  Archival Treasures from the Collection of the Austrian Film Museum

Mehr zum Filmprogramm
29.11. | SCALA-Programmkino, Lüneburg
Alejandro Bachmann: Präsentation des Filmprogramms Die doppelte Spur  Film und Kunst und anschließendes Gespräch im Rahmen der Reihe "Filmic Affairs-Schnittstellen zwischen Kunst und Kino" der Halle für Kunst, Lüneburg
28.11. | Cinémathèque Française, Paris
Oliver Hanley: Diskussion und Präsentation des Films Der lebende Leichnam im Rahmen der ersten Edition des Festivals "Toute la mémoire du monde. Festival international du film restauré"

Mehr zu Diskussion und Präsentation

21.10. | Home Movie Day, Paris
Adelheid Heftberger: Präsentation eines Programms mit Amateurfilmen aus der Sammlung

Mehr zu Home Movie Day, Paris

19-25.10. | To Save and Project: The 10th MoMA International Festival of Film Preservation, New York
Alexander Horwath: Präsentation vier kuratierter Programme aus der Sammlung und rezenten Restaurierungen des ÖFM

15.9. | Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin
Alejandro Bachmann: Gespräch mit Hannes Brühwiler über das Ausstellen von Filmen im Rahmen der Filmreihe "Hands on Fassbinder – Diskussionen, Projektionen, Assoziationen"

28.6. | Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna
Alejandro Bachmann, Oliver Hanley: Filmgeschichte im Österreichischen Filmmuseum. Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars "Präsentation und Distributionsformen von Filmgeschichte" der Universität Zürich

31.3. I Ludwig Maximilians-Universität, München
Georg Wasner: OCEANO NOX  Reflexionen zur Aktualität & Nachzeitlichkeit einer filmdokumentarischen Überlieferung. Filmscreening und Vortrag im Rahmen des interdisziplinären Symposiums "Titanic 1912: Global- und Medienhistorische Echolote" (Organisation: Dr. Nic Leonhardt), Global Theatre Histories Projekt.

Oliver Hanley und Adelheid Heftberger bei der Konferenz "Ohne Archiv gibt es keine Geschichte", Deutsches Historisches Institut, Moskau
Konferenz "Ohne Archiv gibt es keine Geschichte", Deutsches Historisches Institut, Moskau


9.12.-10.12. | Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz
Vorträge im Rahmen des Symposiums "museum multimedial | Audiovisionäre Traditionen in aktuellen Kontexten". Tagungsprogramm
Adelheid Heftberger: Hierarchien von Ausstellungen? Amateurfilme auf Online-Portalen, zwischen Recherche und nostalgischen Bildern
Markus Wessolowski: Das Unsichtbare festhalten. Ethische Grundlagen in der Restaurierung von Filmen

2.- 4.12. | Braunschweig
Alejandro Bachmann, Alexander Horwath: Das Wiener Modell, Präsentation, Diskussionen und vier Filmprogramme beim Kongress der Kommunalen Kinos
29.11. | Museum Tinguely, Basel
Georg Wasner: Rhetorik der Transformation. Vom lyrischen zum partizipatorischen Film: Das filmavantgardistische Umfeld von Robert Breer
Vortrag / Filmprogramm im Rahmen der Ausstellung "Robert Breer"
Der Einzug des Rokoko ins Inselreich der Huzzis, 1989, Andreas Karner, Mara Mattuschka, Hans Werner Poschauko (Foto: sixpackfilm)
The Merry Widow, 1925, Erich von Stroheim


March 27 to April 1 | Diagonale, Graz
Laughter as a reaction to the comical, absurd, and ludicrous accompanies the film series "Austria - A Satire" at this year's Diagonale, where restorations from the Austrian Film Museum (Wienfilm 1896-1976, Der Einzug des Rokoko ins Inselreich der Huzzis) will also be shown.
Further information

January 15 | Wiener Konzerthaus
The digital copy of The Merry Widow (1925, Erich von Stroheim) produced by the Film Museum will be performed with live music by Tobias Schwencke (Ensemble Resonanz, conductor: Christoph Altstaedt).
Stefanie Zingl "Am Rande der Großstadt. Favoriten im Schmalfilm", Lecture und Filmscreening im Gleis21, 2024 (Foto: ÖFM © Michael Loebenstein)
Mister Radio mit Live-Musik im Rahmen des Südtirol Jazzfestival Alto Adige 2024 © Günther Pichler
Live-Musik zu Blind Husbands beim 37. Bolzano Film Festival Bozen (Foto: Bolzano Film Festival Bozen © Daniele Fiorentino)
Live-Musik zu Blind Husbands beim 37. Bolzano Film Festival Bozen (Foto: Bolzano Film Festival Bozen © Daniele Fiorentino)
Alessandra Thiele und Paolo Caneppele beim 37. Bolzano Film Festival Bozen (Foto: Bolzano Film Festival Bozen © Daniele Fiorentino)
Christoph Huber mit Pablo Marín beim Documenta Madrid 2024 (Foto: Documenta Madrid)
Der grüne Kakadu, 1932, Franz Hohenberger


November 30 | Gleis 21, Vienna
In a program entitled "'Am Rande der Großstadt.' Favoriten im Schmalfilm," Stefanie Zingl and Michael Loebenstein present an amateur film program from the collection. The private films will be accompanied by Elaine Loebenstein on the piano, complemented by stories from the filmmakers and guests. 
Further information

November 14 to 16 | Theater Palladium; Bibliothek Spazio Sette; Cinema Farnese Arthouse, Rome
The Audiovisual Archive of the Workers' and Democratic Movement (AAMOD), in collaboration with the study group "The Project and the Forms of Political Cinema," is organizing the event "Da Kinoglaz a YouTube. Cento anni di militanza attraverso i media." The event consists of a film screening from the collection of the Film Museum and a symposium.
Further information

September 20 | Als Cafe, Vienna
Under the title "Ich habe einen dringenden Weg, nehmen Sie mich mit!" Stefan Huber presented the program he curated with amateur films from and about Hernals. Afterwards, he held a discussion with visitors about the films.
July 8 | Filmarchiv Austria, Augarten, Vienna
Screening of Der grüne Kakadu (1932, Franz Hohenberger) from the Film Museum's collection with live music by Sascha Peres and Wiener Brut, with an introduction by Michael Loebenstein at "Kino wie noch nie"
Further information
July 3 | Filmclub Bozen
The Südtirol Jazzfestival Alto Adige continues its collaboration with the Bolzano Filmfestival Bozen and combines improvised music and cinema: a newly formed trio (Daniel Erdmann, Francesca Remigi, Olga Reznichenko) accompanies the screening of the 1924 German silent film Mister Radio, digitally restored by DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum on the basis of the 35mm nitrate print in the Austrian Film Museum's collection. 
May 29 to June 2 | Documenta Madrid
Christoph Huber presents the five-part retrospective "What Is Cinema?" at the Documenta Madrid festival, which he curated with a focus on film prints from the Film Museum's collection. The screenings will be accompanied by discussions between Christoph Huber and the Argentinian filmmaker and critic Pablo Marín.
April 21 | Wiener Konzerthaus
World premiere of Martin Eberle and Martin Ptak's new score for Dziga Vertov's Čelovek s kinoapparatom (The Man with the Camera) as part of "Film + Music live" in cooperation with the Austrian Film Museum
Further information
April 12 | Filmclub Bozen
The 37th Bolzano Film Festival Bolzano opens with Blind Husbands (Die Rache der Berge) by Erich von Stroheim on three screens simultaneously, accompanied by live music in collaboration with the Südtirol Jazzfestival Alto Adige. The version of Stroheim's directorial debut, restored by the Austrian Film Museum, will have its Italian premiere here. Alessandra Thiele and Paolo Caneppele will be talking about the film.
Bolzano Film Festival Bozen
January 21 | METRO Kinokulturhaus, Vienna
Screening of Der grüne Kakadu (1932, Franz Hohenberger) from the Film Museum's collection with live music by Sascha Peres and Wiener Brut, with an introduction by Michael Loebenstein
Further information
Jurij Meden, Karpo Godina (Foto: ÖFM © Michael Loebenstein)
Slike iz života udarnika (Life of a shock force worker), 1972, Bahrudin Bato Čengić
Bozner Waaghaus: Francesco Diodati und Alexander Yannilos improvisieren zu Mit dem Motorrad über die Wolken, Juli 2023
Bozner Waaghaus: Francesco Diodati und Alexander Yannilos improvisieren zu Mit dem Motorrad über die Wolken, Juli 2023
Kino-Pravda 7


October 22 | Viennale, Vienna
The Vienna International Film Festival Viennale presented Slike iz života udarnika (Life of a shock force worker, 1972, Bahrudin Bato Čengić) in the presence of cinematographer Karpo Godina. 
Further information

September 6 and 7 | Biennale, Venice
In the Venice Classics section, Slike iz života udarnika (Life of a shock force worker, 1972, Bahrudin Bato Čengić) will be screened at the Venice International Film Festival. The digital restoration was an initiative of Slovenska kinoteka in cooperation with the Croatian state archive – Croatian cinematheque, the Austrian Film Museum, and the Film Center Sarajevo.
Further information
August 14 | Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg
The digital copy of The Merry Widow (1925, Erich von Stroheim) produced by the Film Museum was performed with live music by Tobias Schwencke (Ensemble Resonanz, conductor: Christoph Altstaedt).
Further information

August 10 | Piaristengasse, Vienna
Elaine Loebenstein improvises to Mit dem Motorrad über die Wolken (1926, Lothar Rübel) at "Pianistengasse 2023."
Further information

July 3 | Südtirol Jazz Festival Altoadige
At their encounter in the cellar of the Bolzano Waaghaus, the two musicians Francesco Diodati and Alexander Yannilos will improvise live to Mit dem Motorrad über die Wolken (1926, Lothar Rübelt), selected by the Bolzano Film Festival. The film was restored in 2021 by the Filmarchiv Austria and the Filmmuseum.
Further information

June 25 | Cinema Lumiere, Bologna
In the section "One Hundred Years Ago: 1923" of the film festival Il Cinema Ritrovato our digitization of Sergei Eisenstein's film Dnevnik Glumova (Glumov's Diary) was shown.
Further information
May 31 | Deutsches Filminstitut Filmmuseum (DFF), Frankfurt
"Treasures from the Austrian Film Museum:" In the presence of Jurij Meden, a short film program provides insight into the restored works of Maria Lassnig. Four programs will follow until June 27, presenting further restoration projects and treasures from our collections.
Further information

May 31 and June 13 | METRO Kinokulturhaus, Vienna
Screening of Elfriede Irrall's Super 8 film ums freiwerden hätte es ja gehen sollen. On June 13 with an introduction by Stefanie Zingl.
Further information
May 9 | House of Film / Palazzo del Cinema, Gorizia
Jurij Meden presents issue 7, 10, and 19 of Dziga Vertov's Kino-Pravda at the "East/West. Border through film and history" symposium.
Further information
May 4 | Suburbinale, Groß-Enzersdorf
Under the title "Film ab, Klappe auf: Private films from Groß-Enzersdorf - commented by you" an amateur film program will be presented at the film festival Suburbinale. Curated by Christian Lamminger, Stefanie Zingl & Georg Vogt.
Further information
March 22-26 | Diagonale, Graz
Together with Diagonale, Filmarchiv Austria and ORF Archive, the Film Museum presents the special program "FINALE". In five programs, the film series leads from the western theme park through the zombie apocalypse to the world soccer championships 1998 in France. Works by Florian Flicker, Michael Glawogger, Jörg Kalt, Käthe Kratz, Marvin Kren, Georg Lhotsky, Sabine Marte, Andreas Prochaska, Viktoria Schmid, and Brigitte Weich will be presented.
February 17 to 20 | Anthology Film Archives, New York
At Anthology Film Archives, Maria Lassnig's filmic work is honored in three programs.
Further information

January 18 to 20 | Schaubühne Lindenfels, Leipzig
Screening of Maria Lassnig's films with introductions by Paolo Caneppele at the conference "Lifting Stones. On the cinematic work of Maria Lassnig" in the context of "meaoiswiamia – Guest Country Austria Leipzig Book Fair".
Further information

Paolo Caneppele, Alessandra Thiele und Reinhold Messner vor Schloss Firmian zur Präsentation von Mit dem Motorrad über die Wolken
Happy-End, 1996, Peter Tscherkassky (Sammlung Österreichisches Filmmuseum)
Blind Husbands / Die Rache der Berge (Blinde Ehemänner), 1919, Erich von Stroheim
Blind Husbands / Die Rache der Berge (Blinde Ehemänner), 1919, Erich von Stroheim


September 16 | French Institute, Budapest
Screening of our restored version of Erich von Stroheim's Blind Husbands at the Budapest Classic Film Marathon. Introduction by Michael Loebenstein.
More about the restoration | Further information

September 5 | MMM Firmian, Bolzano
Presentation of the new restoration of Mit dem Motorrad über die Wolken (1926, Lothar Rübelt) at the Messner Mountain Museum at Firmian Castle. Introduction by Paolo Caneppele and Alessandra Thiele, and by Reinhold Messner.
Further information

August 15 | Arkadenhof, University of Bonn
Screening of our restoration of Blind Husbands (1919, Erich von Stroheim) at this year's International Silent Film Festival in Bonn. Live Music: Cellophon – Paul Rittel & Tobias Stutz (Cello Duo)
Silent Film Festival Bonn

July 9 | Cinemateca Capitólio, Porto Alegre
Latin American premiere of our restoration of Blind Husbands (1919, Erich von Stroheim) in the series "Film as Object in Space: A Look at Film Archives", organized by Mutual Films.
Further information

July 1 | Cinema Lumière, Bologna
Screening of our restoration of Blind Husbands (1919, Erich von Stroheim) at this year's Il Cinema Ritrovato. Introduction by Janneke van Dalen
Further information

May 19 | Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
On May 19, the internationial premiere of the new music score for our restored version of Erich von Stroheim's Blind Husbands will take place at the Elbphilharmonie. Music (2021): Andreas Eduardo Frank, performed by ensemble recherche.
A coproduction of Austrian Film Museum, 2eleven music film, ZDF/ARTE in cooperation with Wiener Konzerthaus, and Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
More about the restoration | Elbphilharmonie

May 6 | San Francisco Silent Film Festival
Screening of our restored version of Erich von Stroheim's Blind Husbands
SFSFF | Text by Richard Koszarski | More about the restoration |

April 8 and 13 | Filmoteca de Catalunya, Barcelona
Screening of our restored version of Erich von Stroheim's Blind Husbands
Filmoteca de Catalunya | More about the restoration | Video introduction Michael Loebenstein

April 6 to 10 | Diagonale, Graz
Together with Diagonale, Filmarchiv Austria and ORF Archive, the Film Museum presents the historical special "RAUSCH".

January 15 and February 3 | MoMA, New York
On January 15, the internationial premiere of our restored version of Erich von Stroheim's Blind Husbands will take place at the 18th edition of MoMA International Festival of Film Preservation "To Save and Project."
More about the restoration | MoMA

December 12, 2021 to January 11 | arte (online)
Our reconstruction of the premiere version of Erich von Stroheim's Blind Husbands with a new score by Andreas Eduardo Frank will be available to stream for 30 days on arte starting December 12, 2021.
A coproduction of Austrian Film Museum, 2eleven music film, ZDF/ARTE in cooperation with Wiener Konzerthaus, and Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
More about the restoration
Filmmuseum on location: "Mit dem Motorrad über die Wolken"
Kino Katarina, Vodnjan (2021) Foto: Kino Katarina
Galerie Apoteka - Space for Contemporary Art, Vodnjan (2021) © Hanna Schimek
Blind Husbands im Wiener Konzerthaus © Wiener Konzerthaus / Foto: Lukas Beck
Blind Husbands im Wiener Konzerthaus (Foto: ÖFM / © Christoph Fintl)


December 12 to January 11, 2022 | arte (TV and online)
Our reconstruction of the premiere version of Erich von Stroheim's Blind Husbands with a new score by Andreas Eduardo Frank will be available to stream for 30 days on arte starting December 12, and broadcast on arte's TV channel on December 14.
A coproduction of Austrian Film Museum, 2eleven music film, ZDF/ARTE in cooperation with Wiener Konzerthaus, and Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
More about the restoration

November 21 to December 21 | arte (online)
Through December 21st, Nunzio Malasomma's Mister Radio (1924) is also available to stream. This 4k digital restoration by DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum was made from a 35mm nitrate print in our collection. on the 35mm nitro print that is in our film collection.

November 13 | Arsenal, Berlin
In the framework of the Amos Vogel Tribute "The gatekeepers exist to be overthrown" some films of Tatjana Ivančić, restored by the Austrian Film Museum, will be presented at Arsenal.
Further information

October 27 | Slovenska kinoteka, Ljubljana
Nadja Šičarov presents 14 films by Tatjana Ivančić that the Austrian Film Museum has restored in collaboration with Kinoklub Zagreb.
Further information (PDF)

October 21 | Courtisane Festival, Ghent
Presentation of the program "The Clock, or: 89 Minutes of 'Free Time'", curated by Alexander Horwath
Further information

October 14 to 16 | Sandleitenkino, Vienna
Curated film programs at SOHO Ottakring: Michael Loebenstein and Stefan Huber present "'Das rote Wien im ephemeren Film," Joachim Schätz "Filme zur Volksbildung," and Stefanie Zingl "Krawutzi Kaputzi! Trickfilme und Filmtricks von Filmamateur*innen."

October 3 | Wiener Konzerthaus
On October 3, the premiere of our restored version of Erich von Stroheim's Blind Husbands will take place as part of Film + Musik live at the Wiener Konzerthaus. Music (2021): Andreas Eduardo Frank, performed by ensemble recherche under the direction of Nacho de Paz.
A coproduction of Austrian Film Museum, 2eleven music film, ZDF/ARTE in cooperation with Wiener Konzerthaus, and Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
More about the restoration | Wiener Konzerthaus

September 26 | French Institute, Budapest
As part of the international film festival "Budapest Classics Film Marathon", the new restoration of Mit dem Motorrad über die Wolken (1926, Lothar Rübelt) will be shown at the French Institute in Budapest. Introduction by Michael Loebenstein, piano accompaniment: Elaine Loebenstein.
Budapest Classics Marathon

September 11 | Kino Katarina, Vodnjan, Croatia
The film program, shown as part of the feminist guerrilla pop-up film festival Kino Katarina in Vodnjan, presents cine films by independent female filmmakers that have been preserved or restored at the Austrian Film Museum. The film program is accompanied by an exhibition at the Apoteka Gallery - Space for Contemporary Art in Vodnjan. Curated by Hanna Schimek, Stefanie Zingl and Nadja Šičarov.
Kino Katarina | Apoteka

August 18 | FeKK Ljubljana short film festival
Screening of three Kino-Pravda issues from our collection (1922–24, Dziga Vertov) at FeKK 2021.
Further information

August 12 to 22 | International Silent Film Festival, Bonn
The Film Museum is represented three times at the Silent Film Festival in Bonn: The restored version of Mit dem Motorrad über die Wolken (1926, Lothar Rübelt) will have its international premiere on August 17. Die seltsamen Abenteuer des Mr. West im Lande der Bolschewiki (1924, Lev Kulešov) from our collection will also be presented, as well as Die Jagd nach der Million (1930, Max Obal), a digital restoration by the Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum in cooperation with the Austrian Film Museum and the CNC (Paris).
International Silent Film Festival

5 19 | Piaristengasse, Vienna (cancelled)
Elaine Loebenstein improvises to Mit dem Motorrad über die Wolken (1926, Lothar Rübel) at "PIANISTENGASSE 2021", organized bei Verein 08.
Further information

June 24 and 25 | Open-Air-Cinema Augarten, Vienna & METRO Kinokulturhaus
On June 24, we will present the restoration of the legendary silent road movie Mit dem Motorrad über die Wolken (1926, Lothar Rübel), recently completed in collaboration with our colleagues at the Filmarchiv Austria, at the open air cinema in the Augarten.
Programfolder Filmarchiv Austria
May 26 to June 6 | Documenta Madrid
In its 18th edition Documenta Madrid will also present a focus (section "Back and Forth") with restored copies of the amateur filmmaker Tatjana Ivančić.
Documenta Madrid | Further information on the restoration
Festkonzert, Musikverein für Steiermark © Diagonale/Miriam Raneburger
Kaleidoskop 2020. Fragmente (Foto: Ipek Hamzaoglu © Cine Collective)


October 27 to November 10 | Film Restored – The Film Heritage Festival (online)
Screening of the short film program "Tatjana Ivančić: Experimental films" at the Film Heritage Festival Film Restored.
Further information

October 27 to 29 | BAMPFA Online
Grad u izlogu (City in the Shop Window), a short film by Tatjana Ivančić that the Austrian Film Museum has restored is part of the online program "Portraits and the Sky: Yugoslav Experimental Films, 1960s–1990s" that Petra Belc and Pavle Levi curated for the Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive.
Further information

October 17 | Online
The Austrian Film Museum is participating with a film program in the international Home Movie Day, which will take place online.
Further Information

October 8 | Leokino, Innsbruck
Elfriede Irrall's film ums freiwerden hätte es ja gehen sollen (1977–1984) will be shown as part of the feminist film series kinovi[sie]on, with an introduction by Stefanie Zingl.

August 6 | Piaristengasse, Vienna
Elaine Loebenstein improvises to old Vienna film footage from our collection at "PIANISTENGASSE 2020", organized bei Verein 08.
Further information

September 9 (alternate date) | Musikverein Graz
Curated film program at the 4th festive concert "Film and Music in Dialogue, Contributions on Human Rights". A cooperation of the Styrian Music Society, the Diagonale and the Austrian Film Museum.

June 26 to July 17 | Karlsplatz Vienna
The Film Museum is a partner at Kaleidoscope 2020: Fragments, a transmedia intervention that will take place in the originally planned festival period of Kaleidoscope  Film und Freiluft am Karlsplatz. Films and film fragments from our collection will be shown daily.

March 25 to 29 (cancelled) | Diagonale, Graz

The joint special of Diagonale, Filmarchiv Austria, Austrian Film Museum, and ORF Archive, "Sehnsucht 2020 – Eine kleine Stadterzählung", will present 22 films which revolve around the keywords city and longing in Austrian film.

January 12 | METRO Kinokulturhaus, Vienna
Presentation of "Tabu – Takes & Outtakes" (1931/2003, Friedrich W. Murnau / Enno Patalas)
The Making of F.W. Murnau's Tabu - The Outtakes Edition


Filmamateurinnen-Programm aus der Sammlung des Österreichischen Filmmuseums, März 2019, WIFAR
(Foto: ÖFM / © Andrea Pollach)
Die Jagd nach der Million, 1929/30, Max Obal (© Det Danske Filminstitutet)
Ein Film vom Neuen Wien, 1926, SDAP


December 25 to January 2, 2020 | Jerusalem Cinematheque & Tel Aviv Cinematheque
"From Austria to Israel": Program exchange in cooperation with the Austrian Cultural Forum in Tel Aviv, Zukunfts Fonds and Moviemento with the Jerusalem and Tel Aviv Cinematheques. Introductions by Alessandra Thiele.
Jerusalem Cinematheque, Tel Aviv Cinematheque

December 15 | Wohnprojekt Gleis 21, Vienna
Stefan Huber and Michael Loebenstein present rare film documents from over a hundred years. Special attention is paid to Favoriten, where the event takes place.
Gleis 21

December 9 | Haus der Begegnung/ PAH, Vienna
Janneke van Dalen presents an amateur film program about the "Per-Albin-Hansson Siedlung".

November 14 to 22 | Großfeldsiedlung/Floridsdorf, Vienna
on the margin : the city is guest at Großfeldsiedlung in November. The Austrian Film Museum's Invisible Cinema on Tour will be making a stopover in Floridsdorf for a week. A total of nine film programs curated by Gustav Deutsch and Hanna Schimek will be shown.
Further information

October 25 | Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin
In 2019, the collaborative project Die Jagd nach der Million (1929/1930, Max Obal) was completed after a number of years: a digital restoration conducted by the German Film Institute & Film Museum in cooperation with the Austrian Film Museum and the CNC (Paris) based on the historical nitrate print from the collection of the Film Museum. The premiere took place in October 2019 on the occasion of the Berlin festival Film:ReStored.

October 13 | Filmcasino, Vienna
As part of "urbanize! International Festival for Urban Explorations" a film program with contributions from our research project on the margin : the city will be shown.
Further information

September 19 to 29 | Per-Albin-Hansson-Siedlung, Vienna
Film Museum on Location in the Per-Albin-Hansson-Siedlung: The project on the margins : the city goes into a second round in 2019. In cooperation with local partners, we will show films and place them in relation to one another.
Further information

June 16 and 22 | Sandleiten and Seestadt Aspern, Vienna
As part of the WIR SIND WIEN.FESTIVAL, the Film Museum hosted the Home Movie Day 2019 in Sandleiten and presented the film program "Aspern / Seestadt gestern und heute" in Aspern.
Further information

March 27 to 29 | Cinema Valli in Pula, Croatia
In Pula, at the Dušan Makavejev retrospective, three films restored by the Film Museum will be shown (Boje sanjaju, Prokleti praznik and Slikovnica pčelara).

March 5 | WIFAR – Wiener Filmarchiv der Arbeiterbewegung
Stefanie Zingl presents an ephemeral film program made by women from the film collection of the Austrian Film Museum in the framework of RRRIOT festival. Discussion afterwards.
RRRIOT Festival
Raoul Schmidt und Stefanie Zingl bei der Präsentation des Programms "A Small Gauge Gaze. Recollecting Home Movies" in der Slovenska kinoteka (Foto: Slovenska kinoteka © Igor Sukur)
11x14, 1977, James Benning


June 29 to July 21 | Kino unter Sternen (Cinema Under the Stars)

The Film Museum is partnering with the organizers and will present a curated selection of findings – mostly from our ephemeral film collection – as openers to the presented films.
Kino unter Sternen

March 13 to 18 | Diagonale, Graz
At the Diagonale, Austria's annual celebration of locally produced cinema, the Austrian Film Museum will present ten films in four programs that follow recurring rhetorical figures in cinematic glimpses at the countryside.
Program (PDF) | Diagonale

February 16 and 18 | Berlinale
11 x 14, the first feature-length film by James Benning (1977) has been restored by the Austrian Film Museum in collaboration with Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art (Berlin) and returns to the Berlinale Forum (Special Screenings) after 40 years once again as a 35mm print.

February 15 | Slovenska kinoteka, Ljubljana
Film program "A Small Gauge Gaze. Recollecting Home Movies" at the Slovenska kinoteka presented by Raoul Schmidt and Stefanie Zingl

January 29 | MoMA, New York
Maria Lassnig's filmic legacy has been reviewed by two close collaborators – Hans Werner Poschauko and Mara Mattuschka. The Austrian Film Museum digitized the original material, which Poschauko/Mattuschka then completed in the spirit of Maria Lassnig's original concept, closely consulting the artist's notes. "Films in Progress" had its world premiere at the MoMa, New York in January 2018.
Batang West Side, 2001, Lav Diaz


December 20 | Centre Pompidou, Paris
Presentation of Ėntuziazm (Simfonija Donbassa) by Dziga Vertov from the Collection of the Austrian Film Museum. Introduction by Michael Loebenstein

September-October | Slovenska kinoteka, Llubljana
The series "100 let oktobrske revolucije" presented a number of films from the collection of the Austrian Film Museum at the Slovenska kinoteka.
Further Information

October 2 to November 2 | Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid
The series "The Eye in Matter. Dziga Vertov and Early Soviet Cinema" presents a number of Vertov's feature films and selections from his early chronicles from the collection of the Austrian Film Museum. Organized by Museo Reina Sofía in collaboration with Filmoteca Española.
Further Information

September 20 | Eden / Gran Lux (St. Etienne)
Alexander Horwath presenting the program "The clock ou 89 minutes de 'temps libre'" at Eden / Gran Lux.
Further Information

May 6 | George Eastman House, Rochester
Presentation of Alexander Nevskj (1938, Sergej Eisenstein) from the collection of the Austrian Film Museum at the 3. Nitrate Picture Show.
Program Nitrate Picture Show 2017 (PDF)

April 22 | Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, CA
Alexander Horwath presenting the program "The Clock: Notions of Cinematic Temporality" at Berkeley
Program at BAMPFA

April 18 | Slovenska Kinoteka, Ljubljana
Christoph Huber introduces the program "Film mosaic: Magic of the Austrian Film Museum" at the Slovenska Kinoteka.

March 28 to April 2 | Diagonale, Graz
At the Diagonale, Austria's annual celebration of locally produced cinema, the Austrian Film Museum will present six programs revolving around pop, film, and political action.
January 27 to March 12 | London Gallery West, London
London Gallery West is the first London venue to present six films by Lav Diaz under the title "Lac Diaz: Journeys". The Austrian Film Museum's restoration of Batang West Side will be shown.
Further information

March 4 | Philharmonie Luxembourg
Screening of Josef von Sternberg's The Salvation Hunters (with music accompaniment by Brad Mehldau)

March 1 to 5 | La Cinémathèque française, Paris
The Austrian Film Museum's restoration of Robert Beavers' early masterpiece From the Notebook of... (1971/1998) and James Benning's American Dreams (lost and found) (1984) will be shown at the festival "Toute la memoire du monde".
Kino unter Sternen 2016


9.10. | New York Film Festival
The Austrian Film Museum's restoration of Robert Beavers' early masterpiece From the Notebook of... (1971/1998) will be presented at the New York Film Festival in the section "Projections".
Further information

1.-8.10. | Le Giornate del Cinema Muto, Pordenone
Presentation of latest Film Museum restorations: Prater (1929, Friedrich Kuplent) and Africa Before Dark (1928, Walt Disney)
Le Giornate del Cinema Muto

13.8. | International Silent Film Festival Bonn
Presentation of Nunzio Malasomma's Mister Radio (1924)
Internationale Stummfilmtage

1.-23.7. | Kino unter Sternen (Cinema Under the Stars)

The Austrian Film Museum is partnering with the organizers on the special program concentrating on films by exile filmmakers.

Kino unter Sternen


25.6. | Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna
Latest Film Museum restorations were shown at the Cinema Ritrovato festival in Bologna: Karpo Godina's wonderful "film-poems" (1970-72) – the result of a joint restoration project conducted with Slovenska kinoteka.
Il Cinema Ritrovato


29.3. | Wiener Konzerthaus

"Film + Musik": Presentation of Lev Kulešov's Neobyčajnye priključenija mistera Vesta v strane bol'ševikov with new commissioned music

Wiener Konzerthaus


8.-13.3. | Diagonale, Graz
At the Diagonale, Austria's annual celebration of locally produced cinema, the Austrian Film Museum will present five film programs revolving around the "Waldheim moment."

Program "Filmische Widerreden" (PDF) | Diagonale


25.2. | Stadtkino im Künstlerhaus, Vienna

Screening of the restored version of Mysterious Object at Noon (2000, Apichatpong Weerasethakul) in cooperation with the Austrian Film Museum



11.-21.2. | Berlin International Film Festival

The Austrian Film Museum's new restoration of Robert Beavers' early masterpiece From the Notebook of... (1971/1998) has been selected for the Forum Expanded section of the Berlinale – in glorious 35mm.

Berlinale Forum Expanded

Home Movie Day 2015
Kino unter Sternen 2015


12. & 13.11. | Kinothek Asta Nielsen e.V., Frankfurt
Filmprogramm "Amateurfilme im Österreichischen Filmmuseum" im Rahmen von Privat-Vorstellung: Internationales Amateurfilmfestival


10.10. | Österreichisches Museum für Volkskunde, Wien

Am 10. Oktober organisierte das Filmmuseum mit seinen Partnern zum sechsten Mal eine ganztägige Veranstaltung zum internationalen Home Movie Day.

Weitere Informationen


16.10. I LUFF - Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival
Filmprogramm "From Mosaic to Mosaic: Fragments from the History of the Austrian Avantgarde 1955 to 2011"


2.10. | Wiener Konzerthaus
Präsentation von Josef von Sternbergs The Salvation Hunters mit Live-Musik von Brad Mehldau, Großer Saal

Wiener Konzerthaus


26.6.-18.7. | Kino unter Sternen, Wien

Das Filmmuseum war auch 2015 als Veranstaltungspartner bei Kino unter Sternen mit dabei. Geschichten über Verwechslungen und Täuschungsmanöver bestimmen den Programmschwerpunkt „Doppelgänger"

Weitere Informationen | Kino unter Sternen


9.5. I City 46, Bremen
Filmprogramm Science | Fiction. Vergegenwärtigung des Außergewöhnlichen mit Einführung im Rahmen des Symposiums "Die Zukunft ist jetzt. Science Fiction-Kino als audiovisueller Entwurf von Geschichte(n), Räumen und Klängen


5.5. I Internationale Kurzfilmtage, Oberhausen
Filmprogramm Die Vergangenheit unter ihren Vorzeichen für die Gegenwart aktualisieren im Rahmen der Reihe "Archive"


17.-22.3. | Diagonale, Graz

Mit dem restaurierten Werk von Alfred Kaiser (1940–1994) stellte das Filmmuseum auf der Diagonale einen Einzelgänger der heimischen Filmgeschichte vor.

"The Merry Widow" (1925, Erich von Stroheim), mit Livemusik von Maud Nelissen in Bologna (2014)


12.-16.11. | Anthology Film Archives, New York 
Die New Yorker Anthology Film Archives erwiesen dem Filmmuseum unter dem Titel "The Climate of Vienna – The Austrian Film Museum at Fifty" die Ehre eines Tribute-Programms. In insgesamt zehn Vorstellungen wurde eine reiche Auswahl von Werken aus der Sammlung des Filmmuseums präsentiert.
Anthology Film Archives


18.10. | Österreichische Mediathek, Wien

Am 18. Oktober organisierte das Filmmuseum mit seinen Partnern zum fünften Mal eine ganztägige Veranstaltung zum internationalen Home Movie Day.

Weitere Informationen


28.6.-5.7. | Filmfestival Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna
Das Filmmuseum wurde eingeladen, einen Einblick in seine vielfältige Arbeit der letzten 50 Jahre zu geben. Die Sonderschau bestand aus mehreren Programmen und zeigte Beispiele aus der Sammlung, klassische und neue Restaurierungen des Filmmuseums, aber auch die kuratorischen Positionen des Hauses.

Jubiläums-Programm Il Cinema Ritrovato 2014 (PDF, englisch, italienisch)


4.-12.4. | Filmfestival Zoom Arrière, Toulouse
Seit einigen Jahren organisiert die Cinémathèque de Toulouse ein Festival der Filmgeschichte unter dem Titel Zoom Arrière. Eine der größeren Programmschienen wurde dieses Jahr dem Filmmuseum übertragen – mit dem Ziel, die „Wiener Positionen“ beispielhaft darzustellen und vor
Ort zu diskutieren. 

Einleitung von Alexander Horwath zum Programm (PDF, englisch) | Programm (PDF, englisch)


8.5. | Universität Bremen

Filmprogramm On Air. Eine Sprossen- und Zackenschrift des 20. Jahrhunderts mit Einführung von Alejandro Bachmann. Im Rahmen des Symposiums "Film Geschichte / Produktion und Erfahrung von Geschichte durch Bewegtbild und Ton"
Mehr zum Symposium


18.-23.3. | Diagonale, Graz
Die Diagonale und das Filmmuseum präsentierten unter dem Titel "Ein anderes Land. Fünf österreichische Filmgeschichten" eine gemeinsam entwickelte, fünfteilige Sonderschau. Die drei Worte im Namen der jubilierenden Institution wurden dabei buchstäblich zum Programm – und zu einer Serie offener Fragen: Österreich? Film? Museum?

Programm "Ein anderes Land" (PDF)


27.2.-20.4. | Museum of Modern Art, New York
Mit einer gemeinsam gestalteten zweimonatigen Retrospektive feierte das New Yorker Museum of Modern Art den 50. Geburtstag des Österreichischen Filmmuseums. Die Schau Vienna Unveiled: A City in Cinema erkundete die Stadt Wien als kinematografischen Topos.

Programm "Vienna Unveiled: A City in Cinema" (PDF, englisch)


29.1. | Wiener Konzerthaus

Das Wiener Konzerthaus wurde zum Aufführungsort des restaurierten Klassikers Der Mann mit der Kamera (1929, Dziga Vertov). Der Komponist und Musiker Wolfgang Mitterer schuf dazu ein neues musikalisches Pendant.

Weitere Informationen

Vertical Cinema 2013 © Sascha Osaka
Kino unter Sternen 2013


9.10.-12.11. | Museum of Modern Art, New York

Präsentation der Restaurierung von Lav Diaz' Batang West Side (2001) im Rahmen von "To Save and Project: The 11th MoMA International Festival of Film Preservation"



5.11. | Stiftung Mozarteum, Salzburg

Uraufführung der 2010 restaurierten Fassung von Čelovek s kinoapparatom (1929, Dziga Vertov) mit neuer Vertonung durch Wolfgang Mitterer (Komposition, Orgel und Elektronik)


19.10. | Wienbibliothek im Rathaus

Am 19. Oktober – dem internationalen Home Movie Day 2013 – veranstaltete das Filmmuseum gemeinsam mit seinen Partnern bereits zum vierten Mal den Wiener Home Movie Day

Weitere Informationen


12.10. | Kontraste-Festival, Krems

Am 12. Oktober präsentierte das Kontraste Festival in Krems unter dem Titel "Vertical Cinema" zehn für eine um 90 Grad gekippte Leinwand konzipierte Filmarbeiten, an deren Umsetzung das Filmmuseum mitgearbeitet hat.


27.9.-13.10. | New York International Filmfestival

Anfang Oktober erfolgte die amerikanische Erstaufführung von Mysterious Object at Noon (2000, Apichatpong Weerasethakul) beim 51. New York International Filmfestival.


30.-31.8. | 70th Venice International Film Festival

Ende August zeigte die 70. Mostra del Cinema in Venedig als Welturaufführung die Restaurierung von Apichatpong Weerasethakuls Langfilmdebüt Mysterious Object at Noon, durchgeführt vom Filmmuseum und Martin Scorseses World Cinema ­Founda­tion. 

La Biennale


8.8. | Festival del film Locarno
Im August präsentierte das Internationale Filmfestival von Locarno erstmals die vom Filmmuseum durchgeführte Restaurierung von Lav Diaz’ fünfstündigem Epos Batang West Side (2001).


17.4.-21.4. | Courtisane Festival, Gent
Präsentation von drei Filmprogrammen zum Thema Artistic Research

Weitere Informationen

Jornada Brasileira de Cinema Silencioso, São Paulo (2012)
Kino unter Sternen 2012
Home Movie Day 2012 (Wienbibliothek im Rathaus)
Home Movie Day 2012 (Wienbibliothek im Rathaus)


31.12. | Theater an der Wien
Live-Aufführung von The Merry Widow (1925, Erich von Stroheim) mit der Musik von Maud Nelissen, eingespielt vom Wiener Kammerorchester unter der Leitung von Maud Nelissen.
Weitere Informationen

28.11. | Cinémathèque Française, Paris
Französische Erstaufführung der neuen Restaurierung von Živoj trup / Der lebende Leichnam (1929, Fedor Ocep) durch das Filmmuseum im Rahmen des Festivals Toute la mémoire du monde - Festival international du film restauré


19.-25.10. | Museum of Modern Art, New York

To Save and Project: The 10th MoMA International Festival of Film Preservation, New York: Präsentation zu vier kuratierten Programmen aus der Sammlung des Filmmuseums

Weitere Informationen


20.10. | Wienbibliothek im Rathaus 

Das Filmmuseums lud zusammen mit seinen Kooperationspartnern, dem Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Geschichte und Gesellschaft, der ­Wienbibliothek und dem Österreichischen Museum für Volkskunde, zum internationalen Home Movie Day.

Weitere Informationen

4.9. | 70. Mostra del Cinema, La Biennale di Venezia
Welturaufführung der Restaurierung von American Dreams (lost and found) (1984, James Benning) durch das Filmmuseum 

11.-19.8. | Jornada Brasileira de Cinema Silencioso, São Paulo

Das Stummfilmfestival in São Paulo, Brasilien, zeigte zu seiner Eröffnung einen Film aus der Sammlung des Filmmuseums Die seltsamen Abenteuer des Mr. West im Land der Bolschewiken (1924, Lev Kulešov)

9.-19.2. | Internationale Filmfestspiele in Berlin

Die 62. Berlinale widmete ihre Retrospektive dem legendären deutschsowjetischen Filmstudio Mežrabpomfil’m. Dank seiner langjährigen Beschäftigung mit dem sowjetischen Kino konnte das Filmmuseum als Partner wesentlich zur Realisierung dieser Retrospektive beitragen.

Weitere Informationen
Home Movie Day im Volkskundemuseum 2011
Kino unter Sternen 2011


Dezember | Kongress der Kommunalen Kinos, Braunschweig

Schwerpunkt "Das Wiener Modell": vier Filmprogramme rund um die Arbeit des Filmmuseums.


Oktober | Volkskundemuseum, Wien

Das Filmmuseum, die Wienbibliothek und das Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut für Geschichte und Gesellschaft luden zum Home Movie Day

Weitere Informationen


September | Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley

Retrospektive Dziga Vertov


Juli | Kino unter Sternen am Wiener Karlsplatz

Hommage an den Filmmusikkomponisten Max Steiner in Kooperation mit dem Österreichischen Filmmuseum


April | Museum of Modern Art, New York

Retrospektive Dziga Vertov


März | Festival MaerzMusik, Berlin

Präsentation von Šestaja čast’ mira (Ein Sechstel der Erde, 1926, Dziga Vertov) mit der Michael Nyman Band


Februar | Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin

Internationales Forum des Jungen Films: Präsentation der restaurierten Kopie von Himmel und Erde (1979–82, Michael Pilz)


Februar | Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin

Projektpräsentation zur Entstehung von F.W. Murnaus Tabu und zur Sicherung und Edition der Outtakes (ein gemeinsames Projekt der Deutschen Kinemathek und des Filmmuseums)

Jänner | Wiener Konzerthaus

Präsentation von Körkarlen (Fuhrmann des Todes, 1921, Victor Sjöström) mit dem Matti Bye Ensemble im Rahmen des Zyklus Film und Musik


Jänner | Internationales Filmfestival Rotterdam

Präsentation von Po zakonu (Nach dem Gesetz, 1926, Lev Kulešov) mit Live-Musik von Franz Reisecker
Ausstellung "Wien im Film" im Wien Museum © Markus Pillhofer
Ausstellung "Wien im Film" im Wien Museum © Markus Pillhofer


Dezember | Film Mutations Festival, Zagreb

Mit einem Doppel­programm (Werke von Gerhard Friedl, Dziga Vertov und Jean Vigo) beteiligt sich das Filmmuseum am Festival Film Mutations: the Festival of Invisible Cinema in Zagreb.

Dezember | Slovenska Kinoteka, Ljubljana

Carte blanche für das Österreichische Filmmuseum, Alexander Horwath stellt 21 Filme aus der Sammlung des ÖFM vor

FM-Programm, Ljubljana (PDF)


Dezember | Museum of Modern Art und Anthology Film Archives, New York

Erstmalige Präsentation der Filme von John Cook in den USA


November | Lange Nacht der Forschung, Krems

Präsentation von Beispielen aus der digitalen Filmrestaurierung durch Matteo Lepore und Raoul Schmidt


Oktober | Wiener Konzerthaus

Uraufführung der Musik Michael Nymans zu Ein Sechstel der Erde (1926, Dziga Vertov), ein gemeinsames Projekt von Filmmuseum, ARTE und Konzerthaus

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Oktober | Wienbibliothek im Rathaus

Filmmuseum und Wienbibliothek laden zur Inspektion und Projektion selbst gedrehter, gefundener und geerbter Amateurfilme.

Weitere Informationen


Juli | Kino unter Sternen am Wiener Karlsplatz

Gemeinsame Gestaltung der Retrospektive Wien im Film, anlässlich der gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Wien Museum

Weitere Informationen


Mai | Wiener Konzerthaus

Präsentation der restaurierten Fassung von Blind Husbands (1919, Erich von Stroheim) im Rahmen des Zyklus Film und Musik

Weitere Informationen


April | Film Biennale, Amsterdam

Uraufführung der vom Niederländischen und Österreichischen Filmmuseum restaurierten vollständigen Fassung von Der Mann mit der Kamera (1929, Dziga Vertov)


März | Diagonale, Graz

Filmschau Zu Gast: Romuald Karmakar

Uraufführung von Michael Nymans Neukomposition zu Dziga Vertovs "Das elfte Jahr" beim Kunstfest Weimar
Uraufführung von Michael Nymans Neukomposition zu Dziga Vertovs "Das elfte Jahr" beim Kunstfest Weimar


Oktober | Giornate del cinema muto, Pordenone
Zur Eröffnung wurde am 3. Oktober in Kooperation mit dem Filmmuseum der Klassiker The Merry Widow (1925) von Erich von Stroheim gezeigt – mit einem neuen Orchester-Score der nieder­ländischen Komponistin und Pianistin Maud Nelissen.

Weitere Informationen


August | pèlerinages – Kunstfest Weimar

Präsentation von Dziga Vertovs Odinnadcatyi (Das elfte Jahr, 1928) mit der Uraufführung von Michael Nymans Neukomposition zum Film

Weitere Informationen


Juli | Kino unter Sternen am Karlsplatz, Wien

Präsentation von John Cooks Film Langsamer Sommer


März | Diagonale, Graz

Sonderprogramme Aus der Werkstatt. Rezente Restaurierungen des Filmmuseums und Script: Anna Gmeyner (gemeinsam mit SYNEMA)


Februar | Berlinale

Internationales Forum des jungen Films: Sonderprogramm mit den Filmen Langsamer Sommer (1974–76) und Schwitzkasten (1978) von John Cook


Jänner | Wiener Konzerthaus

Präsentation von Der Mandarin (Fritz Freisler, 1918) im Rahmen des Zyklus "Film und Musik"

Weitere Informationen


Pratermuseum, Ausstellungsansicht, 2024 © Klaus Pichler / Wien Museum
Pratermuseum, Ausstellungsansicht, 2024 © Klaus Pichler / Wien Museum
Filme aus der Sammlung des Filmmuseums bei Holidays in Austria. Ein Urlaubsland erfindet sich neu, 2024, HdGÖ (Foto: Lorenz Paulus/hdgö, cc by-nc 4.0)
Filme aus der Sammlung des Filmmuseums bei Hitlers Exekutive. Die österreichische Polizei und der Nationalsozialismus, 2024, Bundesministerium für Inneres (Foto: ÖFM © Anna Högner)

Loans to exhibitions

In addition to permanent loans, for example for the permanent exhibition medien.welten at the Technisches Museum Wien, the Austrian Film Museum regularly provides loans for temporary exhibitions and scientific publications.

Controlled Freedom: The Allied Forces in Vienna
Wien Museum
April 10 2025 to September 7, 2025

Holidays in Austria. Reinventing a Tourist Destination
Haus der Geschichte Österreich
Until January 6, 2025 

Permanent Exhibition

Permanent Exhibition
Imperial War Museum London, The Second World War Galleries

Permanent Exhibition "VIENNA 1900. Birth of Modernism"
Leopold Museum, Vienna

Permanent Exhibition

Verkehrsmuseum Wiener Linien


Permanent Exhibition media.worlds

Technisches Museum Wien 

Permanent Exhibition

Russian Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Moskau

Pratermuseum, Ausstellungsansicht, 2024 © Klaus Pichler / Wien Museum
Pratermuseum, Ausstellungsansicht, 2024 © Klaus Pichler / Wien Museum
Filme aus der Sammlung des Filmmuseums bei Holidays in Austria. Ein Urlaubsland erfindet sich neu, 2024, HdGÖ (Foto: Lorenz Paulus/hdgö, cc by-nc 4.0)
Filme aus der Sammlung des Filmmuseums bei Hitlers Exekutive. Die österreichische Polizei und der Nationalsozialismus, 2024, Bundesministerium für Inneres (Foto: ÖFM © Anna Högner)
Theatermuseum, Ausstellungsansicht Showbiz Made in Vienna. Die Marischkas, 2023 © KHM-Museumsverband, Theatermuseum
MAK, Ausstellungsansicht Gertie Fröhlich (2023) (Foto: ÖFM © Christoph Fintl)

Loans to exhibitions

In addition to permanent loans, for example for the permanent exhibition medien.welten at the Technisches Museum Wien, the Austrian Film Museum regularly provides loans for temporary exhibitions and scientific publications.

Showbiz made in Vienna. Die Künstlerdynastie Marischka
Theatermuseum, Vienna
Until September 9, 2024

Holidays in Austria. Reinventing a Tourist Destination
In der Ausstellung über Österreich als Urlaubsland und Tourismusnation sind auch Ausschnitte aus 35 Amateurfilmen aus der Sammlung des Österreichischen Filmmuseums vertreten.
Haus der Geschichte Österreich
March 14, 2024 to January 6, 2025 

Hitlers Exekutive. Die österreichische Polizei und der Nationalsozialismus
Bundesministerium für Inneres, Sala Terrana
March 12 to May 22, 2024

(In)Visible Pioneer
Museum of Applied Arts (MAK), Vienna
Until March 3, 2024

Ridiculously Yours! Art, Awkwardness and Enthusiasm
Halle für Kunst Steiermark / Neue Galerie Graz
Until February, 2024

Permanent Exhibition

Permanent Exhibition
Imperial War Museum London, The Second World War Galleries

Permanent Exhibition "VIENNA 1900. Birth of Modernism"
Leopold Museum, Vienna

Permanent Exhibition

Verkehrsmuseum Wiener Linien


Permanent Exhibition media.worlds

Technisches Museum Wien 

Permanent Exhibition

Russian Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Moskau

Theatermuseum, Ausstellungsansicht Showbiz Made in Vienna. Die Marischkas, 2023 © KHM-Museumsverband, Theatermuseum
Theatermuseum, Ausstellungsansicht Showbiz Made in Vienna. Die Marischkas, 2023 © KHM-Museumsverband, Theatermuseum
MAK, Ausstellungsansicht Gertie Fröhlich (2023) (Foto: ÖFM © Christoph Fintl)
MAK, Ausstellungsansicht Gertie Fröhlich (2023) (Foto: ÖFM © Christoph Fintl)
Ich schaff's einfach nimmer, 1972-73, John Cook

Loans to exhibitions

In addition to permanent loans, for example for the permanent exhibition medien.welten at the Technisches Museum Wien, the Austrian Film Museum regularly provides loans for temporary exhibitions and scientific publications.

Showbiz made in Vienna. Die Künstlerdynastie Marischka
Theatermuseum, Vienna
October 18, 2023 to September 9, 2024

(In)Visible Pioneer
Museum of Applied Arts (MAK), Vienna
September 13, to March 3, 2024

Ridiculously Yours! Art, Awkwardness and Enthusiasm
Bundeskunsthalle Bonn
Until April 10, 2023
Deichtorhallen Hamburg
May 13, 2023 to August 27, 2023
Halle für Kunst Steiermark / Neue Galerie Graz
October 14, 2023 to February, 2024

Film und Kino in der Steiermark
Universalmuseum Joanneum/Museum für Geschichte
Until January 8, 2023

Permanent Exhibition
Imperial War Museum London, The Second World War Galleries

Permanent Exhibition "VIENNA 1900. Birth of Modernism"
Leopold Museum, Vienna

Permanent Exhibition

Verkehrsmuseum Wiener Linien


Permanent Exhibition "Mobilität" and "Erdöl / Erdgas"

Technisches Museum Wien 

Permanent Exhibition

Russian Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Moskau

Ich schaff's einfach nimmer, 1972-73, John Cook
Modell des Filmmuseums in der Ausstellung Kino Welt Wien im Metro Kinokulturhaus
Ausstellungsansicht Kino Welt Wien im Metro Kinokulturhaus
Gruppe von Besetzern im Kinosaal des Filmmuseums am 14. Jänner 1969 (C) Gertraude Wolfschwenger (Leihgabe für die Ausstellung "Kino Welt Wien" im Metro Kinokulturhaus)

Loans to exhibitions

In addition to permanent loans, for example for the permanent exhibition medien.welten at the Technisches Museum Wien, the Austrian Film Museum regularly provides loans for temporary exhibitions and scientific publications.

Film und Kino in der Steiermark
Universalmuseum Joanneum/Museum für Geschichte
February 24, 2022 until January 8, 2023

Kino Welt Wien. Eine Kulturgeschichte städtischer Traumorte
METRO Kinokulturhaus
Until January 9, 2022

Permanent Exhibition
Imperial War Museum London, The Second World War Galleries

Permanent Exhibition "VIENNA 1900. Birth of Modernism"
Leopold Museum, Vienna

Permanent Exhibition

Verkehrsmuseum Wiener Linien


Permanent Exhibition "Mobilität" and "Erdöl / Erdgas"

Technisches Museum Wien 

Permanent Exhibition

Russian Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Moskau

Ausstellungsansicht Kino Welt Wien im Metro Kinokulturhaus
Modell des Filmmuseums in der Ausstellung Kino Welt Wien im Metro Kinokulturhaus
Gruppe von Besetzern im Kinosaal des Filmmuseums am 14. Jänner 1969 (C) Gertraude Wolfschwenger (Leihgabe für die Ausstellung "Kino Welt Wien" im Metro Kinokulturhaus)

Loans to exhibitions 2021

In addition to permanent loans, for example for the permanent exhibition medien.welten at the Technisches Museum Wien, the Austrian Film Museum regularly provides loans for temporary exhibitions and scientific publications.

Der junge Hitler. Prägende Jahre eines Diktators 1889–1914
Nordico Stadtmuseum Linz
Until August 15, 2021

Kino Welt Wien. Eine Kulturgeschichte städtischer Traumorte
METRO Kinokulturhaus
Until January 9, 2022

Der junge Hitler. Prägende Jahre eines Diktators 1889–1914
Haus der Geschichte/Museum Niederösterreich
Until February 7, 2021

Unerwünschtes Kino. Vertriebene Filmschaffende in Wien und Budapest 1933–1938
METRO Kinokulturhaus
Until January 31, 2021

Permanent Exhibition
Imperial War Museum London, The Second World War Galleries

Permanent Exhibition "VIENNA 1900. Birth of Modernism"
Leopold Museum, Vienna

Permanent Exhibition

Verkehrsmuseum Wiener Linien


Permanent Exhibition "Mobilität" and "Erdöl / Erdgas"

Technisches Museum Wien 

Permanent Exhibition

Russian Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Moskau

In 2019/20, loans from the Austrian Film Museum were among others presented in the following exhibitions:

2020 Into the Unknown – Austria Since 1918, House of Austrian History, Vienna

2020 WIE WOHNEN WIR MORGEN? Neues Soziales Wohnen, IBA Wien, Neues Soziales Wohnen

Everybody dances. The Cosmos of Viennese Dance Modernism, Theatermuseum, Vienna

POP 1900–2000. Popular Music in Styria, Universalmuseum Joanneum Graz

Red Vienna 1919–1934, Wien Museum MUSA

The Pointe Dances. 150 Years of Ballet at the Wiener Staatsoper, Theatermuseum, Vienna
Ausrufung der Republik in Wien (1918) (Kadervergrößerung ÖFM)
Ausstellung Erkämpfte Republik. 1918/19 in Fotografien (Foto: Wien Museum Karlsplatz © Manuela Mark)
Photo/Politics/Austria im mumok (Foto: Lisa Rastl © mumok)
Sissi, die junge Kaiserin (1956) in der Ausstellung "Photo/Politics/Austria" im mumok

In 2018/19, loans from the Austrian Film Museum were among others presented in the following exhibitions:

2019 Leopoldsdorf und die Wienerberger: Geschichte(n) der Ziegelbarone und Ziegelböhm', Marktgemeinde Leopoldsdorf (AG34-Haus)

2019 Oskar Maria Graf – Rebell, Weltbürger, Erzähler, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek / Deutsches Exilarchiv 1933–1945

2018/19 The Hard-Won Republic. 1918/19 in Photographs, Wien Museum Karlsplatz

2018/19 Film and More. From the Archives of Kurt Kren and Ernst Schmidt jr., mumok, Vienna

2018/19 Kunst in Bewegung. 100 Meisterwerke mit und durch Medien, ZKM Karlsruhe

2018/19 Photo/Politics/Austria, mumok Vienna
"Resonanz von Exil", 2018 im Museum der Moderne Salzburg (© Rainer Iglar / Museum der Moderne Salzburg)
"Resonanz von Exil", 2018 im Museum der Moderne Salzburg (© Rainer Iglar / Museum der Moderne Salzburg)
"Genosse. Jude", 2018 im Jüdischen Museum Wien (Foto: Jüdisches Museum © Wulz)
Was vom Kino übrig blieb, Ausstellungsansicht Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien, Graz, 2018, Foto: Markus Krottendorfer
Was vom Kino übrig blieb, Ausstellungsansicht Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien, Graz, 2018, Foto: Markus Krottendorfer
Was vom Kino übrig blieb, Ausstellungsansicht Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien, Graz, 2018, Foto: Markus Krottendorfer

In 2018, loans from the Austrian Film Museum were among others presented in the following exhibitions:

2018 Günter Brus. Unrest after the Storm, Belvedere 21, Vienna

2018 Was vom Kino übrig blieb, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien, Graz

2018 Comrade. Jew. We only wanted Paradise on Earth, Jewish Museum Vienna

Der Neubeginn nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg 1918–1925, Kultur- und Museumsverein Eibiswald

Resonance of Exile, Museum der Moderne, Salzburg
Metropolis, 1927, Fritz Lang in der Ausstellung "Film-Stills" in der Albertina (© Horst von Harbou - Deutsche Kinemathek)
Die tolle Lola, 1927, Richard Eichberg © Heinrich Gärtner - Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung in der Ausstellung "Farbiges Leuchten" im Photoinstitut Bonartes
Die Frauengasse von Algier, 1927, Wolfgang Hoffmann-Harnisch in der Ausstellung „Farbiges Leuchten“ im Photoinstitut Bonartes
Durchlaucht Radieschen, 1926/27, Richard Eichberg
Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, 1920, Robert Wiene in der Ausstellung "Film-Stills" in der Albertina
Der Student von Prag, 1926, Henrik Galeen

In 2017, loans from the Austrian Film Museum were among others presented in the following exhibitions:

2017 Film Stills. Photography Between Advertising, Art and the Cinema, Albertina, Vienna

2017 Colorful Lucency. Film Stills of the 1920s and 1930s in Backlight Illumination, Photoinstitut Bonartes, Vienna

2017 Letztes Jahr in Marienbad. Ein Film als Kunstwerk, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prag
Originalgetreuer Nachbau von Étienne-Jules Mareys Zoetrope im Metro Kinokulturhaus, Wien

In 2016, loans from the Austrian Film Museum were among others presented in the following exhibitions:

2016 Letztes Jahr in Marienbad. Ein Film als Kunstwerk, Kunsthalle Bremen

2016 KINO.MAGIE – Was geschah wirklich zwischen den Bildern?, Metro Kinokulturhaus, Vienna
Ausstellung "Idee Europa", 2015 © Paul Hanley
Vampyr, 1932, Carl Theodor Dreyer
Unsichtbare Gegner, 1977, VALIE EXPORT bei der Ausstellung "Peter Weibel - Medienrebell", 21er Haus, Wien
Metropolis, 1927, Fritz Lang © Horst von Harbou - Deutsche Kinemathek bei "Tanz der Hände" im Museum der Moderne Salzburg
The Missing Image - Mahnmal gegen Krieg und Faschismus (Installation von Ruth Beckermann), Wiener Albertinaplatz 2015

In 2015, loans from the Austrian Film Museum were among others presented in the following exhibitions:

2015 Idee Europa – 200 Jahre Wiener Kongress, Bundeskanzleramt, Ballhausplatz 2

2015 The Missing Image - Mahnmal gegen Krieg und Faschismus (Installation von Ruth Beckermann), Wiener Albertinaplatz

2015 Monster. Fantastische Bilderwelten zwischen Grauen und Komik, Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg

2015 Tanz der Hände. Tilly Losch und Hedy Pfundmayr in Fotografien 1920–1935, Museum der Moderne Salzburg

2015 Peter Weibel - Medienrebell, 21er Haus, Wien

2015 Der Erste Weltkrieg auf großer Leinwand, Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino

2015 Vom Boom zum Bürgerkrieg, Museum Arbeitswelt Steyr

2015 Lob an eine (verschwundende) Leidenschaft? Von Film-Amateurinnen und ihren Werkzeugen seit den 1920er Jahren, Bezirksmuseum 1070 Wien

2015 Die Einwohner von Crikvenica im Ersten Weltkrieg, Museum der Stadt Crikvenica

In 2014, loans from the Austrian Film Museum were among others presented in the following exhibitions:

2014 El Lissitzky, the Experience of Totality, Funcació Catalunya La Pedrera/Barcelona, Museo Picasso Malaga, MART Rovereto

2014 Architektur-Biennale, Österreich-Pavillon, La Biennale di Venezia

2014 1914 1918. Der Erste Weltkrieg, Deutsches Historisches Museum

2014 Vom Leben mit dem Krieg – Oberösterreich im 1. Weltkrieg, Schlossmuseum Linz/Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum

2014 Krieg an der Wand – Der Erste Weltkrieg im Spiegel internationaler Plakate, Bundesministerium für Inneres

2014 Alexander Calder – Avantgarde in Bewegung, Stiftung Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen

In 2012, loans from the Austrian Film Museum were among others presented in the following exhibitions:

2012 Paralellwelt Zirkus, Kunsthalle Wien

2012 Einmal Unterwelt und zurück, Residenzgalerie Salzburg

2012 20. Kurt Weill Fest Dessau – Hommage à Paris, Kurt Weill Zentrum

2012 Bigger than Life. 100 Jahre Hollywood. Eine jüdische Erfahrung, Jüdisches Museum Wien

2012 Auf die Plätze. Die Sportausstellung des deutschen Hygiene-Museums, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden

2012 Animismus. Moderne hinter den Spiegeln, Generali Foundation

In 2011, loans from the Austrian Film Museum were among others presented in the following exhibitions:

2011 Vienna 1900: Style and Identity, Neue Galerie New York

2011 The Unfinished Film, Gladstone Gallery, New York

2011 Das weiße Band, Museum für Film und Fernsehen – Deutsche Kinemathek Berlin

2011 The Moderns Revolution in Art and Science, Museum Moderner Kunst Wien
Der Student von Prag, 1926, Henrik Galeen

Shadowplay: Film stills from the collection of the Austrian Film Museum

The exhibition Shadowplay presented a selection from the massive photographic holdings of the Austrian Film Museum. Shadowplay was presented in conjunction with the Vienna Month of Photography at Galerie Wolfrum, from October 21 to November 22, 2010.
Further information

In 2010, loans from the Austrian Film Museum were among others presented in the following exhibitions:

2010 Dracula – Voivode and Vampire, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien im Nationalmuseum Bukarest

2010 Femmes Fatales, Kunsthalle Krems

2010 Wien im Film – Stadtbilder aus 100 Jahren, Wien Mueum

2010 Kampf um die Stadt. Politik, Kunst und Alltag um 1930, Wien Museum

2010 Rodchenko and Popova: Defining Constructivism, Tate Modern, London; Greek State Museum of Contemporary Art, Athen; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid

2010 Universal Archive, Macba, Museu d'Art Contemporani di Barcelona; Museu Berardo de Lisboa, Lissabon
Karte "Jean-Pierre Léaud – Citoyen du Cinéma"
Karte "Jean-Pierre Léaud – Citoyen du Cinéma"
Ausstellung "Jean-Pierre Léaud – Citoyen du Cinéma"
Ausstellung "Jean-Pierre Léaud – Citoyen du Cinéma"

Jean-Pierre Léaud – Citoyen du Cinéma

The exhibition Jean-Pierre Léaud – Citoyen du Cinéma took place at the Palais Clam-Gallas (Institut Français de Vienne) from April 2 to May 8. The exhibition was organized by Roland Fischer-Briand (Photo Collection, Austrian Film Museum).

In 2009, loans from the Austrian Film Museum were among others presented in the following exhibitions:

2009 Best of Austria, Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz

2009 Zauber der Ferne – Imaginäre Reisen im 19. Jahrhundert, Wien Museum

In 2008, loans from the Austrian Film Museum were among others presented in the following exhibitions:

2008 Moderne auf der Flucht, Jüdisches Museum Wien

2008 Linz Texas eine Stadt mit Beziehungen, Architekturzentrum Wien

2008 Am Puls der Stadt, Wien Museum

In 2007, loans from the Austrian Film Museum were among others presented in the following exhibitions:

2007 Laboratorium Moderne, MUMOK Wien

2007 1937. Perfektion und Zerstörung, Kunsthalle Bielefeld

2007 Zwischen den Kriegen, Leopold Museum

In 2006, loans from the Austrian Film Museum were among others presented in the following exhibitions:

2006 Russia!, Museo Guggenheim Bilbao

2006 Kino wie noch nie, Generali Foundation

2006 Grosser Bahnhof – Wien und die weite Welt, Wien Museum

2006 Kurt Kren – Das Unbehagen am Film, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere

2006 Charlie Chaplin, Filmgalerie Krems

2006 Felix Salten. Schriftsteller - Journalist - Exilant, Jüdisches Museum Wien
Ausstellung Gertie Fröhlich in der Galerie Ulysses, 2005 © Roland Fischer-Briand
Ausstellung Gertie Fröhlich in der Galerie Ulysses, 2005 © Roland Fischer-Briand

In 2005, loans from the Austrian Film Museum were among others presented in the following exhibitions:

2005 Gertie Fröhlich – Plakate für das Österreichische Filmmuseum, Galerie Ulysses

In 2004, loans from the Austrian Film Museum were among others presented in the following exhibitions:

2004 Interfunktionen 1968-1975, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona

2004 Dziga Vertov, Giornate del Cinema Muto, Sacile

In 2003, loans from the Austrian Film Museum were among others presented in the following exhibitions:

2003 Helmut Qualtinger – Quasi ein Genie, Wien Museum

2003 Francis Bacon und die Bildtradition, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien