La vida es un carnaval, 2021-23, Lisl Ponger
Lisl Ponger © Diagonale/Elsa Okazaki

Talks with Women Film Pioneers:

Lisl Ponger

December 13, 2023
Women directors, screenwriters, editors, cinematographers, and set designers have left their mark on Austrian film and TV, and yet each generation of filmgoers has had to rediscover their names anew – an ongoing canonization of their work only began recently. While revolutionary women from the film industry long taught elsewhere, the expertise of women from the Austrian film industry has seldom been institutionalized and has been (even actively) denied to students. In a series of 10 two-hour talks, we will bring several of these film pioneers front and center, screen individual films, and shed light on their work through film clips. An evening for passing on the flame. The talks will be moderated by a new generation of people close to the industry. The goal: the exchange of experiences, networking, world revolution – you name it. (Wilbirg Brainin-Donnenberg, Julia Pühringer / Translation: Ted Fendt)
Filmmaker and Artist Lisl Ponger
With her Super 8 films from the 1970s, Lisl Ponger is one of the pioneers of avant-garde film in Austria. She is the co-founder of the independent film distributor sixpackfilm, a multi-award winning filmmaker, photographer, multi-media artist, and curator (including the avant-garde film program "Die Schatten im Silber" in 1987), an author of books, and a two-time participant in documenta. As a pioneer of post-colonial and feminist discourses, her photos, films and installations have for decades addressed the breaking down of  stereotypes, regimes of the gaze, and racism at the intersection of art, art history, and ethnology. (Wilbirg Brainin-Donnenberg / Translation: Ted Fendt)
After the film program, filmmaker and photographer Sara Piñeros Cortes and journalist Julia Pühringer will moderate the talk with Lisl Ponger
Idea: Julia Pühringer. Concept and realization: Wilbirg Brainin-Donnenberg and Julia Pühringer in collaboration with FC GLORIA Frauen Vernetzung Film.
Related materials
For each series, films are listed in screening order.
Running time: 82 min
Wed, 13.12.2023 18:00
With Lisl Ponger in attendance