Eika Katappa | Der Tod der Maria Malibran

Werner Schroeter
Price: EUR 29,95
Werner Schroeter's unique melodramas about love and death are fascinating amalgamations of opera, theater and cinema elements. Art and kitsch, high and low brow, Maria Callas and Caterina Valente, myths and genre elements. The 2-disc DVD set presents the first two feature-length films by Schroeter in beautifully restored versions. Additionally it offers a new reconstruction of Schroeter's legendary two-screen projection Argila and excerpts of a talk with Werner Schroeter, lead by Dietrich Kuhlbrodt during the Werner Schroeter Tribute at the Viennale 2008.


Edition Filmmuseum 51

1st edition: 2010
Edited by: Filmmuseum München, Goethe-Institut München

DVD 1: Eika Katappa (1969, Werner Schroeter) 143 min | Maria Callas Porträt (1968, Werner Schroeter) 16 min
DVD 2: Der Tod der Maria Malibran (1971, Werner Schroeter) 104 min | Argila (1969, Werner Schroeter) 36 min | Dietrich Kuhlbrodt im Gespräch mit Werner Schroeter (2010) 24 min


Language: German
Subtitles: English, French, Italien
All Regions, 4:3 PAL
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