Willow Springs | Tag der Idioten

Werner Schroeter
Price: EUR 29,95
The 2-disc DVD set presents new restored versions of two rare classics by Werner Schroeter: Willow Springs was shot in a village in the Moravi desert and describes a house run by three man-eaters. In Tag der Idioten a woman experiences psychic disintegration and ends up in a mental institution. Rare short films by and about Werner Schroeter as well as stills from the shooting of Tag der Idioten are added as bonus features.


Edition Filmmuseum 71

1st edition: 2014
Edited by: Filmmuseum München, Goethe-Institut München

DVD 1: Willow Springs (1973, Werner Schroeter) 78min | Dietrich Kuhlbrodt im Gespräch mit Werner Schroeter (2010) 8min | Wolf Wondratschek: Laudatio auf Werner Schroeter (2011) 20min | Begegnung mit Werner Schroeter (2009) 10min
DVD 2: Tag der Idioten (1981, Werner Schroeter) 106min | Aggression (1968, Werner Schroeter) 22min | Fotos from the shooting of Tag der Idioten by Digne M. Markovicz


Language: German, English
Subtitles: German, English, French, Italien
All Regions, 4:3 PAL
Trilingual booklet with texts by Werner Schroeter, Wolfram Schütte and Carole Bouquet
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