Reappearance, 2022, Eszter Salamon © Marie Zahir


Eszter Salamon, DE 2022
Cinematography: Marie Zahir; Editing: Minze Tummescheit; Music: Felicitas Heck; Performance: Eszter Salamon. DCP, color, 37 min


Eszter Salamon, DE 2023
Cinematography: Marie Zahir; Editing: Minze Tummescheit; Voice, Performance: Eszter Salamon. DCP, color, 26 min
Fascinated by the German dance avant-gardist Valeska Gert (1892–1978), choreographer and dancer Eszter Salamon previously dedicated the performance series The Valeska Gert Monuments to this exceptional artist. In her first film, Reappearance, a manifesto against forgetting, Salamon returns to her subject of choice. The follow-up work, Sommerspiele (Summer Games), is about the 1936 Berlin Olympics, for which choreographers loyal to the regime helped create the opening ceremony, while others – like Valeska Gert – were ostracized or murdered by the Nazis. Both films are interventions in the historical canon. (ImPulsTanz)
With Eszter Salamon in attendance
Austrian premieres
The films contain nudity. Recommended for viewers 16 and up.

Screening dates: