The Hedge Theater, 1986–90/2002, Robert Beavers © Robert Beavers

50 Years of Film Preservation
50 New Acquisitions

Fundraising Project

In 2014, on the occasion of its 50th anniversary, the Film Museum started a special sponsorship project, 50 Years of Film Preservation – 50 New Acquisitions, inviting individuals and companies to sponsor the acquisition of a film print.


The 50 works selected for the project are desiderata in the truest sense and represent the entire spectrum of the film medium: from Hollywood classics to avant-garde films, from Early Cinema up to outstanding contemporary examples. We invite cinephile individuals and companies to support the acquisition or restoration of these films, either by explicitly becoming the sponsor ("godfather/godmother") of an individual title – or a supporter of the general project, with a smaller contribution towards the acquisition of these 50 anniversary selections.


Katalog "50 Jahre Filmpatenschaft – 50 Filme" (Cover)
>> Catalogue (PDF, in German)
>> List of selected films