Fieber, 2014, Elfi Mikesch
Elfi Mikesch (Foto © Lilly Grote, Film galerie 451)

Talks with Women Film Pioneers:

Elfi Mikesch

March 15, 2023

Women directors, screenwriters, editors, cinematographers, and set designers have left their mark on Austrian film and TV, and yet each generation of filmgoers has had to rediscover their names anew – an ongoing canonization of their work only began recently. While revolutionary women from the film industry long taught elsewhere, the expertise of women from the Austrian film industry has seldom been institutionalized and has been (even actively) denied to students. In a series of 10 two-hour talks, we will bring several of these film pioneers front and center, screen individual films, and shed light on their work through film clips. An evening for passing on the flame. The talks will be moderated by a new generation of people close to the industry. The goal: the exchange of experiences, networking, world revolution – you name it. (Wilbirg Brainin-Donnenberg, Julia Pühringer / Translation: Ted Fendt)

The Camerawoman and Director Elfi Mikesch
A trained photographer from Judenburg based in Berlin since 1964, Elfi Mikesch works as a photographer, teacher, director (of films such as Ich denke oft an Hawaii, Verrückt bleiben – verliebt bleiben, Mondo Lux) and camerawoman, including for Werner Schroeter, Rosa von Praunheim, Theresa Villaverde, Lilly Grote and Monika Treut, with whom she founded the independent production company Hyena Films in 1984. Mikesch has been honored many times for her work, including a Teddy Award for Lifetime Achievement at the 2014 Berlinale.
After the screening of her films Execution. A Study of Mary (1979) and Fieber (2014), cinematographer Leena Koppe and journalist Julia Pühringer moderate the conversation with Elfi Mikesch
Idea: Julia Pühringer. Concept and realization: Wilbirg Brainin-Donnenberg and Julia Pühringer in collaboration with FC GLORIA Frauen Vernetzung Film.
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