Happy Mother's Day, 1963, Richard Leacock


Making a Film

Careers In Front of and Behind the Camera

Wednesday, 04. October, 10:00-12:00

Age 9 to 11
Making a big film almost always involves a lot of people. At any one point in a film's creation, expertise is required from many different directions. In a finished film, it is not often easy to see how much or which different jobs went into making it. And there are not only many specialized jobs in film production. There are also many other exciting tasks connected to a film. In this event, we take a closer look at some of these occupations. In film clips, making-of videos and conversations, we will examine how a film's sound is made and together we will write a film review. 
Presented by Film Museum staff member Stefan Huber and filmmaker Stefanie Weberhofer.