Intercultural Film Education
Like many countries, Austria and Germany have pluralistic, diverse societies, which immigration has been shaping for decades. The four partners in this project have tried to reflect this in their approaches to film education. Between 2017 and 2021, they developed a concept, tested it in seminars on peer groups, and used this feedback to further refine it. The project has resulted in a series of texts documenting past activities that can also serve as inspiration to film educators looking to incorporate intercultural inclusion into their teaching methods. The project is over but our reflection on intercultural sensitivity in film education goes on and will continue to be an integral part of our future activities.Collaboration PartnersBundeszentrale für Politische Bildung (Federal Agency for Civic Education)DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & FilmmuseumVISION KinoAustrian Film MuseumMost of the texts presented here are in German with the exception of Rabih El-Khoury's text on contemporary Arab cinema,
which is in English.
... in contemporary Arab Cinema
by Rabih El-Khoury (In English)
Concept by Alejandro Bachmann and Martina Döcker (In German)
Concept by Alejandro Bachmann and Martina Döcker (In German)
Concept by Dr. Martin Ganguly and Aurora Rodonò (In German)
Concept by Dr. Martin Ganguly and Aurora Rodonò (In German)
Concept by Stefan Stiletto and Laura C. Zimmermann (In German)
...for the heterogeneity of seminar groups
by Martina Döcker (In German)
by Rabih El-Khoury (In German)
by Maryanne Redpath: from Berlinale's Kplus-programm
(In German)
by Laura Teixeira (In German)
by Aurora Rodonò (In German)
by Melika Gothe: from Berlinale's 14plus-Programm (In German)
by Alejandro Bachmann
(In German)
by Laura C. Zimmermann
(In German)
by the editorial office of Kinofenster (In German)
by Bernd Buder (In German)
by Alex Moussa (In German)
by Dr. Martin Ganguly (In German)
by Martina Döcker (In German)
by Stefan Stiletto (In German)
"Interkulturelle Filmbildung und -vermittlung" ist ein Projekt von
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb
DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum e.V.
Österreichisches Filmmuseum
Vision Kino gGmbH Netzwerk für Film- und Medienkompetenz
Entwicklung und Durchführung
Katrin Willmann (bpb), Christine Kopf (DFF), Stefan Huber (ÖFM), Michael Jahn (VISION KINO), Elena Solte (VISION KINO)
Vielen Dank an die Teilnehmer*innen der Tagung "Film, Flucht und Interkultur. Internationale Tagung und Zukunftswerkstatt", die 2016 von DFF und bpb gemeinsam veranstaltet wurde. Sie bildet den Anstoß für diese Arbeitsgruppe.
Vielen Dank außerdem an die Teilnehmer*innen des Konzept-Workshops in der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (November 2017).
Sebastian Rosenow, Miriam Reichert
Karl-Leontin Beger, Sarah Hoffmann, Sarah Hujer, Cornelia Jonas, Antje Knapp, Clara Nigratschka
Critical Friends
Aida Ben Achour, Irit Neidhardt, Can Mileva Rastovic, Aurora Rodonò, Alex Moussa Sawadogo
Pädagogische Beratung
Christl Reissenberger
Wissenschaftliche Begleitung & Begutachtung
Prof. Dr. Manuel Zahn, Katja Lell (Universität zu Köln)
Referentinnen und Referenten der Fortbildungen
Martina Döcker, Dr. Martin Ganguly, Aurora Rodonò, Stefan Stiletto, Laura Caterina Zimmermann
Vielen Dank an alle Teilnehmer*innen der Fortbildungen, die mit ihrer engagierten Mitarbeit wertvolle Anregungen zur Weiterentwicklung des Konzepts gegeben haben.