Poster Collection

The film poster collection of the Austrian Film Museum consists of numerous closed collection holdings as well as a wide selection of film titles that saw theatrical release in Austria. The collection includes rare original posters from the early period of French cinema, Soviet poster artworks by Aleksandr Rodčenko, the Stenberg brothers, etc. We also hold a vast array of 1920s and 1930s lithographic film posters by acclaimed Austrian graphic artist Victor Slama and an assortment of extremely rare poster designs. Furthermore, the collection encompasses essential, world-renowned original posters for masterpieces of modern cinema (Bresson, Tati, Godard, Truffaut, Fassbinder, etc.). The singular aesthetic tradition of the Polish Poster School is well represented in the collection.

The poster collection of the Austrian Film Museum is accessible to researchers and available for personal use by prior appointment.

The Film Museum is a living archive. In order to supply present and future generations with all forms of audio-visual memory, the Film Museum depends on public awareness and on the support of individuals. Cinephiles and film professionals play a vital role in helping to shape the collections by contributing their own personal film-related materials (films, photos, posters, etc.). We are happy to undertake the professional archiving of such items, both in the form of donations and long-term deposits.


Paolo Caneppele
Film-Related Collection Manager

+43 1 533 70 54 Ext 211