eXistenZ, 1999, David Cronenberg



David Cronenberg (US 1999)

Age 16 plus
Existentialism, body-technology interfaces and an infinite regress of video gaming-worlds: At the end of the last millennium David Cronenberg is combining his central themes with thoughts about virtual worlds. Reality is scary (if it even exists), nothing seems particularly out of place, but nothing can be made sense of. An effect, created by Cronenberg with little unsettling details, from set-design and lighting, to the matroshka-like plot. Even the dogs that keep running through the frame seem strangely choreographed. A precisely built confusion of a film, as frightening as entertaining.
The screening (D: David Cronenberg, 96 min) in orignal language with german subtitles will be followed by a 60-minute analysis of chosen sequences.